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grillmoretacomeats t1_jadneic wrote

That sounds like elderly abuse. She shouldn't have to support anyone. I'm sorry about your grandmother.


willsmithsrightpalm t1_jadomwp wrote

Thanks. It definitely borders (probably crosses the line at times) on abuse but she has caretakers who know about his problems and my parents live next door. The caretakers tell my mom everything so my mom and dad have to put him in his place every now and then.

He is an only child and sees me as the closest thing he has to a brother, so he lets his guard down and tells me everything. When he told me he was smoking/dealing weed with one of the caretakers I told my mom and got her ass fired immediately. If they're cool with him there's a chance they cover for him at the expense of my grandma's mental state, and if I have any control of the situation I will absolutely take action.

Kinda shady of me to act like I'm on his side to gather intel but it's in the best interest of my grandma. She is well looked after.