SpirituallyUnaware1 t1_je3gs9k wrote
Incognito forever baby, I don't care who sees it, as long as, it isn't a friend/family member that happens to use my phone for some reason....
horny_alt17 t1_je3lhny wrote
As long as a family member dont find it imma keep adding to the collection
Incognito is the best fr
varnecr t1_je4acdf wrote
I just have a separate reddit account strictly for porn subs.
Thompompom t1_je4ehg3 wrote
Ah yes, u/varnecr69
QG_Jinn t1_je4f6yy wrote
Lol, you found him
Thompompom t1_je4fduj wrote
Happy cakeday
AsparagusLoose9716 t1_je4h27f wrote
Don_Toasty420 t1_je4jtpq wrote
Shot_Lawfulness1541 t1_je4nzrf wrote
Damn got rickrolled
IAmTheKatt t1_je5w3yh wrote
I can’t believe I fell for that shit
Alfalfa_Dangerous t1_je57yik wrote
I’m fucking stupid. I clicked the god damn hyperlink
HAMburger_and_bacon t1_je5cc6v wrote
[deleted] t1_je5hsj4 wrote
kinglugus90 t1_je77uwm wrote
How the fuck did u do that
[deleted] t1_je6qvy9 wrote
[deleted] t1_je4y1zm wrote
[deleted] t1_je8ckyd wrote
Johntr1x t1_je5zf14 wrote
Legend! 😅
Leading_Initiative50 t1_je6d9ry wrote
Oh Thats so true
[deleted] t1_je4awfj wrote
Oh you poor sweet sweet child...whoever pays for the internet can see the websites you go to regardless...
Fun fact: They can't see what you were searching on uh idk pornhub? It will just show the website name. (I think)
DarealHur1cNe t1_je4b2ai wrote
Wrong. Your ISP can see it, to see it yourself you would have to have a router that supports it, and most don't if I am not mistaken.
[deleted] t1_je4b5i0 wrote
Oh shit that's nice.
DarealHur1cNe t1_je4b9d1 wrote
I could still be wrong, but I am pretty sure that's how it works. Take it with a grain of salt, or feel free to do research on it lmao.
[deleted] t1_je4g4z7 wrote
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