AshsShugar t1_je9cknu wrote
Reply to comment by Suspicious_Slug in I thought we were past this by Lttlefoot
What do those have to do with people that live in the civilized world?
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeacdv6 wrote
Your "civilized world" has been having tons of riots, political violence lies being perpetrated by mainstream media when congress is about to do another patriot act on us under the guise of something benevolent. Maybe it has just a little bit to do with people that live in the civilized world. Fucking hell how dense is reddit?
[deleted] t1_jeacm59 wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jead4fq wrote
Very appropriate to joke about a school shooting. Disgusting monster.
[deleted] t1_jeaeb1o wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeaequk wrote
I'm not the one shooting kids I'm just making jokes about it not even a week after the fact. Yeah you are a monster. Won't even humor the idea you have any humanity given your demeanor throughout the conversation.
[deleted] t1_jeahzw5 wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeaietm wrote
You making a joke about shooting up a school is highly inappropriate no matter if you agree with me or not and you're still a slimy bastard for doing so. And please take that self serving shit out of here im sure I wherever you're from has far less freedoms than we do here
[deleted] t1_jeaj1k9 wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeajpb2 wrote
Funny how you still haven't said where you're from. Also what was even that sentence get offended when mocked but the act itself doesn't make you flinch? What are you talking about?
[deleted] t1_jeakuzw wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jealenm wrote
Come on man if you're so much better than us please tell me where you hail from so I can live a better life. Or are you just full of shit?
[deleted] t1_jeamxre wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jean2yg wrote
That's not a country moron
[deleted] t1_jeanfhg wrote
[deleted] t1_jee8gs5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jee8sfr wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jee9tjc wrote
Keep making jokes, shows how terrible of a person you are. Did you get an education since then and learn what country you live in?
[deleted] t1_jee9zqr wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeea322 wrote
This coming from the guy who thinks Europe is a country haha
[deleted] t1_jeea992 wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeeag5b wrote
I asked what country are you from and you replied "Europe, obviously" apparently your memory is just as bad as your personality. And I dunno if that was supposed to be an insult but good attempt.
[deleted] t1_jeec9jz wrote
[deleted] t1_jeecnhd wrote
[deleted] t1_jeee6nt wrote
[deleted] t1_jeeecsx wrote
[deleted] t1_jeeeg34 wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeeeolj wrote
You just keep going don't you? Monsters like you have no place here
[deleted] t1_jeejmar wrote
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeeko0h wrote
No im blaming you for any of your countries crimes since you seem to have the gall to do that to me and lavel me a shooter. Lots of mass stabbings in Europe that I know. Guess I should add petulant child as well as monster to your name
Edit: I looked up the crime stats for your area and you have just as many stabbings as we do shooting. And if you ask me that's far worse
Suspicious_Slug t1_jeel4e1 wrote
And off he goes again till tomorrow. Have a piss day coward
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