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t1_jeekkdd wrote

Bro this is a whack take. You must be a tankie


OP t1_jeeldtj wrote

If the take is wack then why can't no one give me a concise answer, everyone always seems to have a different definition


t1_jeemrzt wrote

"Tankie is a pejorative label for leftists, particularly Stalinists, who support the authoritarian tendencies of Marxism–Leninism or, more generally, authoritarian states associated with Marxism–Leninism in history."

I wouldn't consider that synonymous with "woke" from any direction of the political spectrum


t1_jeem4p8 wrote

A “tankie” is an apologist or a denier of Stalinist, Khmer Rouge, Maoist, etc. crimes against humanity.


t1_jeemrhm wrote

They hang out in communism memes, more tankie196, and shit liberal say. They're a tankie.


OP t1_jeen784 wrote

Ah yes because you have been to these subs and are aware that it's what we do and not just assuming that because communism bad


t1_jeemf3i wrote

Tankies has a definition. Tankies are far from liberal. Op is a tankie or an ass


t1_jegls42 wrote

Woke is dead ass just any combination of anti-Herero, anti-male, anti-white with a dash victim worship and self victimization


t1_jeeknd2 wrote

republicans calling peoples tankies is so weird, its like if they started calling gay people closet cases because they heard gay people calling each other that, and now they're all just using it wrong in unison.


t1_jeeo6ds wrote

You could probably add a few extra arms in there with "bigot", "racist", "homophobe", "transphobe" and "terf" on then... and that's only a few words I've seen tossed around in the last year or so to try and discredit anyone and everyone who people may not agree with. About anything.


t1_jeeqtur wrote

If you think those words don’t have clear definitions you’re just dumb


t1_jeer5if wrote

They do have cleae definitions, but they're used incorrectly by the wrong people, constantly.

If you can't see that youre as dumb as I am, and that's pretty fuckin dumb.


t1_jeeuj7p wrote

>if you can’t see that

See what? People using words like “racist” correctly the majority of the time.

If they have clear definitions, your claim that they no longer have clear definitions is BS. That’s it, that’s all, you contradicted yourself.


t1_jeeuooo wrote

Yeahhh but they don't that's the problem, people who use them the most don't use them correctly and when called out on it try to change the definition.

I didn't contradict myself at all.


t1_jeev35s wrote

Aren’t you also trying to change the definitions of words by claiming that words that do in fact have definitions are now “meaningless”.


t1_jeev766 wrote

No. You're trying to change the scope of the argument or you've not understood it, either way. You're an idiot.


t1_jeev9it wrote

How am I changing the scope of the argument?


t1_jeew46u wrote

Because it was never ajiht a word having a definite meaning in the first place, it was about the use of the word rendering it meaningless. OP thinks the term Tankie has become synonymous with an abstract view of leftist politics that the word is thrown around without proper nuance. Just as I believe the terms I've listed have become.

If you failed to grasp this concept then that's on you.


t1_jeewb5z wrote

>use of the word rendering it meaningless

If a word is being used it can’t be meaningless; language is a series of symbols, no one uses meaningless words.


t1_jeewfm2 wrote

People use meaningless words constantly. People just don't want to talk to you so you never notice it.


t1_jeewup1 wrote

I would love some examples. Make sure they are actually completely meaningless, please


t1_jeex9gf wrote

You could love whatever you want, im ot stopping you. You still haven't shown me how you're not a moron. Hell, I've seen dogs with bones give up the fight quicker than this and even they were right in what they were about


t1_jeerjfo wrote

So if they have real meanings then they’re not buzzwords with no meaning. Thank you for admitting I’m right.


t1_jeers3t wrote

You really are as stupid as I thought you were.


t1_jees5cv wrote

Can you explain the error in my logic here or just throw insults?


t1_jeesg71 wrote

You wouldn't understand even if I did explain it, and on the off chance you may understand one or two of those words, you'd still just deny it's accuracy. So I don't bother with your type.


t1_jeesml7 wrote

Lololol just say you know I’m right or go away dumbass.

Unless you can’t understand that because you don’t think words have established meanings…I don’t know, you’re quite idiotic


t1_jeestt5 wrote

Why would I say you're right when you sound as daft as they come?

As I said, I don't argue with idiots, because you'll try and bring me down to your level and beat me with idiot experience.


t1_jeesyuc wrote

> They do have cleae definitions, but they're used incorrectly by the wrong people, constantly.


t1_jeet4qw wrote

It's like you're trying to make a point but you don't know what point yoire trying to make or how to actually make it.


t1_jeetd6r wrote

My point is words have definitions and misusing them doesn’t change age that. I’m honestly kind of concerned that you’re not able to discern that very obvious fact lol


t1_jeetjzl wrote

And I'm concerned you think I honestly give a fuck what someone like you could possibly think of me in the first place.


t1_jeetsoz wrote

Lol you obviously care so much but go off


t1_jeeu7eg wrote

One of us is giving thought out responses, the other not so much. I wonder which one actually cares. But "go off" I guess lmao


t1_jeeuprd wrote

Ok, bye! I’ll call you a bigot but I am sure you won’t mind since the word doesn’t mean anything, bigot.

Bye bye bigot!


t1_jeev1vc wrote

In that regard you, yourself, are also quite bigoted. Since you're so keen on words being quite tightly define you'd accept to also being labelled as a bigot.

Bye bye bigot.


t1_jeevhgp wrote

Why are you using a meaningless word? You said it was meaningless…


t1_jeevspi wrote

Never said it was meaningless you moron, I said it was used as a buzzword that lost all definition. Calling someone who doesn't agree with you a bigot renders the word meaningless. If you can't see that yet you really don't belong in this conversation lmao


t1_jeevz4k wrote

The meme says “being a buzzword with no real meaning” and you listed words that should be added to that category. You did claim they had no real meaning.


t1_jeew4yp wrote

>renders the word meaningless

This is the crux of the matter; I think this is bullshit. It’s not “rendered meaningless” if we can all still define the goddamn word. This argument is bullshit.


t1_jeewazv wrote

Just admit you're an idiot and move on. It'll be much simpler that way for everyone, especially yourself.


t1_jeewhaz wrote

I know you’d like me to do that but unlike you I can defend my opinion allllllll day. I’m home sick from work and I can continue to tell you why what you said was stupid until it actually gets through that thick little skull of yours


t1_jeewqnf wrote

I mean,.odds are, you don't actually work at all. Most ideologues like yourself don't. You can keep repeating what you've already posted but it just highlights how dumb you are.

You can or not, I dont care, it would just make it easier on yourself and probably your therapist if you admit to it before long.


t1_jeex53h wrote

I’ll tell you what; if you can competently and persuasively explain in one comment your argument and why you’re correct I’ll give you gold. Give me the best summary of your claims you can and if it genuinely makes sense I will admit error.


t1_jeextdk wrote

As inside, I dont care enough to prove you wrong, to show you why youre wrong or even care if you admit error. You can do whatever you want, DILLIGAF.

You'll give me gold? What the fuck is gold? Something special im meant to care about?


t1_jeexzen wrote

You’ve said I misunderstood your point; I am politely asking you to explain what your point is. If you don’t want to (or can’t) clarify, that’s fine.


OP t1_jeeof3y wrote

Nah, those are pretty defined and most of the time get used actually. I put tankie there because apparently asking a person for proof that the USSR killed 300 sextyllion 4 year olds makes me a tankie


t1_jeeosxs wrote

Ohh I see you're actually an ideologue, sorry i didn't realise you were just spouting nonsense instead of something informative. And no, those terms aren't being used properly by their definition. The fact you won't believe someone when they say the USSR killed X amount of people, by definition, makes you a bigot. So just gonna leave you with that and not care to interact with you further.


OP t1_jeepp8p wrote

>The fact you won't believe someone when they say the USSR killed X amount of people, by definition, makes you a bigot.

Explain how


t1_jeeqido wrote

bigot noun big·​ot ˈbi-gət Synonyms of bigot : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

Sounds quite intolerant to not believe others when they tell you facts, doesn't it? Sounds like youre quite devoted to that position, yes? Bigotry 101.


t1_jeeqq6g wrote

>when they tell you facts

You’ve not shared facts, you’ve shared an opinion and nobody is a bigot for not buying it lol


t1_jeeqzhp wrote

Ohhh so now we shift the goalposts in our favour. I mean when a someone on the other side of the political aisle makes a claim that you can't factually counter, they're a bigot. But ehe you make a claim you can factually counter, you're not a bigot?


OP t1_jeer9h8 wrote


  1. Bro is running out of alt. accounts
  2. mf we are not changing the goal posts you just can't read

t1_jeerjj8 wrote

Why would I need alt accounts when you're just an ideologue with stupid opinions?

Also, you are changing the goalposts constantly, that was my initial statement in the first place and my view on that hasn't wavered.


OP t1_jef14dw wrote

You changed the goalposts when you said wanting proof of something bad the USSR did makes someone a buggot


t1_jees0b1 wrote

…this is a word salad. No one is a bigot for disagreeing with your claims, even if you can find one mouth breather who uses the term that way. No goalposts have been moved.

I’m starting to think what you actually meant was “I am dumb and don’t know the definition of these words so I assume it’s not important”


t1_jees80p wrote

Ohhh so now It's just word salad? I understand if youre not quite able to understand what was said. That's fine. Your lack of understanding doesn't make me wrong, however.


t1_jeeua9e wrote

And your lack of understanding doesn’t mean the words you’re using don’t have definitions lol


t1_jeeuvlp wrote

My lack of understanding?! Oh my goodness, I lack understanding according to gives a shit.

All I understand is you're not quite there yet.


t1_jeev5bp wrote

Can you define the word homophobe yes or no


t1_jeevice wrote

I can, just like the word woke has a definition, and tanky has a definition.


t1_jeevods wrote

Well, not “just like” since “homophobe” like “racist” and “bigot” are actually in the dictionary.

But thank you for affirming the word has not become meaningless


t1_jeew7eu wrote

I never said they were meaningless, you never understood the original post which makes it hilarious


t1_jeewpah wrote

I’ll explain this to you as simply as possible:

Claiming a word has “lost all meaning” is the same as saying it’s meaningless. Both phrases indicate a lack of meaning.


t1_jeex1lw wrote

Is that so? OK explain it further for me. Get really into it. Like I mean, write a massive essay about it and when you FINALLY realise I don't care what your opinion is you'll finally understand why im confident in what I've already stated.


t1_jeepn6h wrote

Just because occasionally someone uses a word like “racist” wrong doesn’t mean it no longer has meaning. Your “ideologue” accusation would be better levelled at yourself than OP


t1_jeeq7yr wrote

How so exactly?

And yes, when people use a term incorrectly as much as has been done in recent years, it does lose meaning. To the point where people believe racism means "race and power" when in years past it just meant race. So how am I the ideologue here or are you using the "No, U" argument?


t1_jeeqh29 wrote

No; the vast majority of people understand that “racism” means “racial prejudice”. What you’re claiming is simply factually incorrect, the word is used clearly, properly, and effectively all the time. Leave your internet echo chamber and talk to normal people for a little while, you’ll realize your claim is nonsense.


t1_jeeqoch wrote

What internet echo chamber do you refer to exactly? Also you still didn't say how I was an ideologue, probably because you're talking out of your arse.


t1_jeer88w wrote

You’re an ideologue because your desire to dismiss all of these words clearly comes from political and social positions that incline you to dismiss any and all uses of those words. They’re not meaningless, you just want to claim that so you never have to respond to anyone pointing out that something may be racist or bigoted. “Those words don’t really mean anything” is a cop out from someone who hasn’t touched grass in a while


t1_jeerpk6 wrote

Ok so what is my political or social position then?

Someone who hasn't touched grass in a while? Coming from someone who sounds like they're terminally online, I'll take that as a compliment.


t1_jeere9g wrote

The claim “these words don’t mean anything anymore” when they are daily used in communication in meaningful ways that the vast majority of English speakers understand and can explain is…laughable and nonsensical


t1_jeeryh2 wrote

I'm happy to see you show how dumb you are, I really am.


t1_jees7ja wrote

I’m happy to see you can’t come up with a coherent response to me pointing out that words do in fact have meaning.


t1_jeesau1 wrote

And I'm happy to laugh at your fumbling around for someone to care.


t1_jeesu6a wrote

It’s pretty telling that you keep responding but can’t defend yourself against the points I’ve made.

Obviously this is a softball argument because, i have said, the words do have established meanings the majority of us agree on and you trying to calming otherwise is a joke but it’s still fun


t1_jeet188 wrote

You can keep saying all you want, but you're just coming off as quite the fool. And I'm happy to indulge such foolish behaviour, but I'm not arguing with you because you're shouting in to a void and it's funny to watch such futility.


t1_jeet81q wrote

If you’re not going to keep defending your stupid claim that words don’t have meanings I’m done here. Since you’re not defending it, and it was so stupid to begin with, I’ll just take this W and hope you learn critical thinking someday.


t1_jeetfmr wrote

You can say it's a stupid claim and take a "W" (whatever the fuck that is), still doesn't make you right in any way, shape or form. So like with the rest of your argument, enjoy your imaginary fun.


t1_jeetl4o wrote

Words have definitions, bro. I’m right, you’re wrong. Everyone knows what racist and bigot and all those other words you listed mean and they’re used correctly all the time. Your claim was stupid, mine is just observable truth.


t1_jeetp54 wrote

"I'm right, yoire wrong"

Gee I remember hearing that in a playground years ago and it sounded as stupid then as it does now. Maybe you need a life.


t1_jeeu0j2 wrote

I’m sure you’ve heard people tell you you’re wrong many times since the playground, especially given your opinion on how words work. I can’t imagine you’ve ever gotten a good grade on an essay with your particular approach to the English language