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t1_je68www wrote

What publisher was bullied to stop publishing books?


t1_je6agjq wrote

Think of the mental gymnastics it took to write an article saying "it's okay for activists to cancel a book, but not for you to get mad at them for it"


t1_je794w0 wrote

Read the article lol. No book was banned by the left.


t1_je7eakc wrote

Oh, so they didn't try banning it? I must've not understood the point of trying to get the publisher to not publish it, then


t1_je7fck3 wrote

Literary figures and employees of penguin signed a petition arguing the book went against the values of the publishing house. Upon reflection penguin decided not to publish to book. There are lots of different publishers. One publishing company deciding not to print a book does not a book ban make. The article explicitly states there are publishing houses who would be happy to publish the book. You don't have the right to have your book published by whoever you want to.


t1_je7nipg wrote

Kinda like how that bakery tried to ban gay wedding cakes, right?