Last-Intention-2863 t1_jee8l5d wrote
Fun fact: i've dated my friend mom (not knowing about her being his mother), not fun when she talked about my friend and then I realized
shinchanfucker t1_jeffjm8 wrote
Interesting. Go on!
Last-Intention-2863 t1_jegd8jw wrote
Imagine going on tinder, 0 dates, then setting the years to 25-50 (am 23) the rest it's just 2 dates and then I realized that :)
thegreatkanga t1_jefohc9 wrote
Need the full story.
[deleted] t1_jeew0yx wrote
PlusAd2218 t1_jee2g17 wrote
Striker40k t1_jeeui8f wrote
Boots with your mom.
zelricky t1_jee1r5v wrote
Funny undetectable
tipsea-69 t1_jeevugs wrote
stares motherfatherly
Wackynamehere1 t1_jeg7alh wrote
One of top results for mother fucker
Holy shit my sides
Garlador t1_jeelkd0 wrote
Stacy’s mom does have it going on.
BigDogOnTheWindow t1_jeefyee wrote
Milf Manor
Ok-Lab-3148 t1_jeepvs5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jeepngn wrote
[deleted] t1_jeeu7pq wrote
[deleted] t1_jefhb3i wrote
Sugondesedude t1_jee2pel wrote
I am not in danger I AM THE DANGER