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Raizgari t1_iud64u5 wrote

I believe this is a picture of the shit looking back at the dog.


jacknshit t1_iud6jpe wrote

Amber: I’m done. I’m ready to go outside for walkies.


Uchihagod53 t1_iud6vlw wrote

It's a power move by the dog. The trick is to actually move closer to the dog, while never breaking eye contact, and then pat it on the head no less than 3 times. 65% of the time it works 100% of the time to reassert dominance


SoapNooooo t1_iuddi4b wrote

Your face when you look at your dog after it steps on a bee.


veggiejord t1_iudgcn2 wrote

Apparently they do this as it's when they're at their most vulnerable to attack from rando predator pricks. They look at you for reassurance nothings gonna get em.

....looked this up after mine weirded me out too much with this.


tomistruth t1_iudzqq7 wrote

She was recently seen pooping in public spaces somewhere in Spain while their friends were watching. She pooped in public and didn't remove it the day after. Few days later Spanish police raided her Spanish home. You can't made that shit up. There is even a video of her pooping in public.


Tobiichika t1_iue3j8l wrote

Where is the meme? You are just stating what we see. Am I an idiot?


Golett03 t1_iue9s6w wrote

Off! Off girl! Get off the bed. Come on, girl, GET.


PillowTalk420 t1_iufekow wrote

"Hey, you're making sure there ain't any predators out here right?"


BeaverDudeLol t1_iufr60i wrote

more like your shit making eye contact with you


milkishome t1_iugck38 wrote

This feels like someone's fetish, not mine thou


Reaper22Cal t1_iugiktz wrote

Nah, that’s the shit taking making eye contact.


prezo100 t1_iugk065 wrote

Hahaha that was a lil mean


HomelabRat69 t1_iuhqwhe wrote

Amberr! It will take me twice to clean up after you!