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WilliamAfton131 t1_iuinizj wrote

He's got PTSD from now on and refuses to enter young people's dreams anymore


henrystickmin1217 t1_iuisvj0 wrote

where is he. i wanna help him since i saw things that even bleach couldnt fix.


BigMemeKing t1_iuiwu9j wrote

Freddy entering my dreams, trying to kill me only to realize I yearn for the sweet release of death so he has no power in my dreams. I welcome him with open arms and start chasing him down furiously demanding he kill me, it is his turn to live the nightmare.


BigMemeKing t1_iuj9kzy wrote

Deleted my reply because different sources site different fuel to Freddy's powers. I do remember from one movie where it states that his power grows from fear, so my question would be, could he truly hurt someone who was genuinely manically over joyed at the thought of Freddy murdering them?

Edit: typos


arcanis321 t1_iujc1kb wrote

I mean in some they can take back the power in their dreams by not being afraid to die, but since your goals are the same i think he probably just helps kill depressed people


BigMemeKing t1_iujcezk wrote

Now I'm picturing Freddy running from me in fear as I scream murder me daddy with an erection, and he's all like "I had every intention to do it until you made it weird! Like FUCK you scare me!"


AzrealNibbs12 t1_iujmoc9 wrote

Is that a motherfucking berserk reference????????


D3vi1b0y t1_iujmrcb wrote

I don't visit my dreams neither does my doctor. I don't know why he went.


SPARTAN_GAM3R t1_iujn8q3 wrote

He's gonna need a therapist after seeing my brain!!


Loud713 t1_iujsg3p wrote

He sitting there like “holy shit, I thought I was fucked”

He trynna wake himself up haha


cakeandcoke t1_iuk1a7m wrote

The background story of Freddy Krueger is that he was abused as a child and it made him so evil that he became the dream master.

If Freddy went into my dreams he would come out triggered by all too familiar things and he would need a hug


unstablepsyko t1_iuk3iyr wrote

Clearly, a mistake has been made. I don't think he would be able to mentally recover from this.


ShaneDawsonsCar t1_iuk5wlo wrote

Didn't Freddy rape kids? I'm sure he's mentally prepared dog.


somedoodinsweden t1_iuk8fam wrote

Freddy has to stand in line to try to kill me in my dreams


Grandfunk14 t1_iukbzzd wrote

You ain't ready for that huh Freddy! The turn tables.