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Marvheemeyer85 t1_iy9u09t wrote

Max hours?


dimestoredavinci t1_iy9wdhy wrote

Yeah you're not supposed to work more than 12 hrs on a shift, or 60 hrs per week. At least that's what it said when I looked it up before making the comment.


SirKnlghtmare t1_iy9yhag wrote

Do you work for Tesla? And can they technically have you work more than 60 if it's OT/DT?


dimestoredavinci t1_iya1gfa wrote

Anything over 40 is it, at least here. My company actually does anything over an 8 hr day goes into OT but we often work 6 12s for a total of 72 hrs/wk

Also, I don't work for Tesla


Marvheemeyer85 t1_iy9yqvj wrote

Learn something new every day. Is that just certain industries?


dimestoredavinci t1_iya2v34 wrote

It looked like certain jobs were exempt, like the medical field in emergency situations, but I'm certainly not in any of those fields