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Makemyusernamecool t1_iybuxyx wrote

Wait do guys’ dingalings actually touch the water?? Surely not….there’s so much space above the water. Are these toilets your using clogged up? How can men not get as many UTIs as us if their urethras are constantly marinating in communal bacteria culture


HaloManSR71 t1_iybwq92 wrote

Your dick would have to be insanely big for it to touch the water in an average size toilet bowl, so no.


_Hobo-man_ t1_iycz9n2 wrote

I've personally never seen a toilet that's even come close. I just checked and for our toilets (fairly standard UK ones) you'd need like 8" to touch the ceramic when flaccid, and double that to hit the water.

Can't imagine having toilets built so that you're dick touches it . shudders


killingmemesoftly OP t1_iybv6uz wrote

It’s not every time or every toilet.

Has to be a perfect storm of toilet shape, water level, a hot day (you hang lower when it’s not cold) and sitting wrong (leaning forward a bit) if that makes sense.


Makemyusernamecool t1_iybvqni wrote

Is it less common than like Poseidon’s kiss?


killingmemesoftly OP t1_iycu3sf wrote

Yep, less common. But I have a fix for Poseidon’s kiss. Lay a couple squares of tp in the bowl to break surface tension in water. Turds will have drastically reduced splasjback