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JonnyxKarate t1_iyduzx6 wrote

Bums me out that I can get be a man who wants tits, and they’ll give me the meds but if I want to be a man who’s more manly, steroids and testosterone are illegal and hard to get.


-plush-plush- t1_iydvomz wrote

I'm a man with a pussy, because i want to


HannibalMDD t1_iydvuh8 wrote

Commit a crime, and before going to jail, identify yourself as a woman. Get sent to women jail. Profit.


Irriella t1_iydwnpj wrote

They’re not really illegal or hard to get tho. You’re thinking of them being illegal in sports because it’s considered cheating. Many man who have trouble growing facial or body hair or that are developing breast will get testing done and be givin the tools to correct those issues the same way a trans person would (because everyone requires different dosing and substance). If your “more manly” just means more muscles on your physique then I can see why you would have a hard time if your levels are within normal range because that just indicates you’re not working those muscles that you want to be big.


TheCrimsonArmy t1_iydwwqu wrote

You want Hugh Jackman's tits? To each, their own


JonnyxKarate t1_iydx7e1 wrote

Right but the argument I’m making isn’t based on Need or Health. It’s aesthetically pleasing and mentally satisfying for me to look how I feel inside. Just like with someone who is trans. And yes they are illegal they are a Class 3 Narcotic. If you are caught in some sort of possession of them, you receive the same time as if it were say, cocaine. It’s the same reason Reddit bans and deletes all posts about how to get them on the internet even tho there is several subreddits to it. I just find it funny. Like it’s a doctors visit (perhaps a tough emotional one) for a trans person, for me it’s a sketchy trip to a gym and having to approach random people and not get snitched on


1_d0nt_care_ t1_iydz5ss wrote

I identify myself as a fridge. My pronouns are ghey/ghonk


Lord_Detleff1 t1_iydzyyh wrote

I identify as a flower pot. My pronouns are your/mom


Pishkot_cz t1_iye2i6m wrote

I identify myself as human, based and my pronouns are nor/mal


RunningTheSteelBall t1_iyeant9 wrote

They'll still send you to a men's prison anyway, eve if you have gender reassignment surgery. Take Nakita Dragun, who is a trans woman, born a man. She has a vagina and tits, yet she was still sent to a men's prison where she will be assaulted everyday, leaving her scarred and not even half the woman she was. Just because she was born with a dick


Downyndrome t1_iyep7w6 wrote

We live in a society where things we like are considered "gener"

My favourite shirt is pink. I have a purple hoodie. I am very emotional, I cried MANY times in my life. I've watched Winx and Tokyo Mew Mew as a kid, I even collected Winx stickers when I, not just me, but my whole 4th grade class, boys and girls.

Doesn't make me any less of a man.

Things we like are not our gender. No one is special, we are all made out of blood and meat. Don't make up countless of words aka. pronouns that don't mean anything. Ze, zer, wolfself etc. that shit doesn' mean anything. No where in nature is there anything beyond the two genders. There are male, female, hermaphrodites and genderless living beings.

I do not hate anyone nor do I wish anyone ill will. I just don't understand this society because it's nonsensical. I'm afraid for my hypothetical children.


Downyndrome t1_iyeqdpf wrote

sigh so what you're saying is that only "straight" men are capable of evil? but trans people who are sent to prison are good samaritans?




I just googled "trans woman impregnates multiple inmates" there are multiple articles


Everyone has potential for evil, some are just better at controling theirs


RunningTheSteelBall t1_iyeqy6z wrote

To impregnate other prisoners, they must have had a dick, which is not what I'm saying. Nikita Dragun had a vagina and was in every way a woman. Also where did you get "straight men are evil" from? I'm saying the system is fundamentally fucked


Kyadara161 t1_iyer770 wrote

Why not tell us yours first



Downyndrome t1_iyernn5 wrote

The best solution would be not to commit crimes

For example, I don't commit crimes because I don't wanna spend any time in prison and potentially get fucked in the ass

That's something I really wanna avoid

In whichever prison you go, you're not gonna have a good time, that's for sure

The women in prison are not there for being good people, rape, killing and shit happens there as well


dmtrsbtw t1_iyfcxgj wrote

I am a Walmart bag