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greencolorlessdreams OP t1_iy2lq6z wrote

and yet, kids suck on plastic and random people and even pillows (saw that once)


CrackBabyBasketballs t1_iy2ulq1 wrote

It's called the oral phase. Children explore the world with their mouth, especially when teething they start biting. The mannequin in this pic has tits so it is only natural to try for a child without shame (which develops at around 4 and up


greencolorlessdreams OP t1_iy35xls wrote

the kid didn't bite on the arm or neck of the mannequin. It bit the tit, which means the kid recognized the shape and thought 'food!' (there's a couple of other pics online where the kid literally pushed fabric off the tit of the mannequin on purpose, to get to the tit, so it's not like the kid is "exploring the world". It's about food. The same way (many) adults look at the outside of a McDonalnds building and think 'Food!' Or a better comparison would brobably be a plastic bottle for kids who used a bottle. It's just a shape they recognize and make a connection with food.


CrackBabyBasketballs t1_iy3ty3d wrote

A child that can stand and walk is no longer breastfeeding (or at least shouldn't be) this particular case might be different, but I was taught this in school and I was talking in general...