Submitted by velatieren t3_z7txli in memes
Key-Pomegranate-2086 t1_iy82yas wrote
I believe by name only. Black ranger would work too. Or Black lightning. Black flash. Even Black manta.
cuntasstick t1_iy83cbl wrote
are you fcking sirius
astro_scientician t1_iy84xul wrote
…Black Bolt wasn’t invited?
weird_edgy_username t1_iy853bl wrote
No, I’m straight
Mrvonblogger t1_iy85f0e wrote
Where is Jack Black?
Anymou1577 t1_iy85h43 wrote
He unfortunately got lost on the way and couldn't ask for directions
SuperSeriousDad t1_iy85p7v wrote
Where’s Black Tom you racist!
lukhomdingi t1_iy867x9 wrote
Black Noir?
ainish888 t1_iy86aqz wrote
The dude is as racist as cable
Direct-Teacher-2043 t1_iy86d1n wrote
I understood that reference
lukhomdingi t1_iy86glo wrote
Don't you mean John Black played by Drake Hogestyn?
IBareBears t1_iy86vqo wrote
angry Black Beard pirate noises
JellyfishArm t1_iy873f1 wrote
Black Mamba from Kill Bill?
Heksinki t1_iy87a3x wrote
I m fcking Sirius ... Under the bed
Soravinier t1_iy87f9p wrote
Where ist jack black ?
Soravinier t1_iy87ggc wrote
Where is Jack Black ?
[deleted] t1_iy87tuj wrote
Successful-Plan114 t1_iy89hh0 wrote
"... cough... cough... I think i got the black lung pop."
Successful-Plan114 t1_iy89n2h wrote
The Black Pearl sails into the chat.
PePeWaccabrada t1_iy8ab0k wrote
Back jlack
Sussybaka1736 t1_iy8c99d wrote
Black panter ... RIP
throwawaytempest25 t1_iy8cudq wrote
I mean, if you invited all the black rangers, you’re only gonna get one black person… which is both a good thing.
Black manta ever temporarily been an ally?
Black condor is Japanese.
Black bolt is going to need a translator. Otherwise he’ll just murderer everyone.
Well, black magician was owned by in an eGyptian pharaoh, who just happened to look Asian because he can have it in the body of a multicolored hair kid.
I don’t know how sonic fans feel about the black arms enough to reference.
I would invite black mask, although it depends on which interpretation. Go from killed off the main one. I like the one from birds of prey, although I seem to be on the minority on that, and he wasn’t in a lot of animated series from what I remember outside of that one time from the Batman, 2004.
Invite black lightning you’ll get a black person there. He’s never consistently been a bad character.
static, shock or bust.
Candyman too.
fibstheboss t1_iy8cx0s wrote
Wanda made him a smoothie
watashiwalsh t1_iy8cxwh wrote
What about the Black Swordsman
ArcaneDanger t1_iy8cyou wrote
rip black panter
ImScared93lol t1_iy8dco2 wrote
Angry Taika Waititi gay Blackbeard noises
allpanicnodiscoteca t1_iy8dd42 wrote
The Black Adder?
Agent800835 t1_iy8e1lq wrote
You forgot Black Noire.
CyberBetty2077 t1_iy8e725 wrote
So the other characters have black skin too, right?
cluedo23 t1_iy8ecoa wrote
Half a r/wooosh but you gave great examples
jasonk_1313 t1_iy8flo1 wrote
They had us in the first half not gonna lie
Arcane2oP t1_iy8gejj wrote
Head busted
thecryingkid t1_iy8gmop wrote
Black cock
thecryingkid t1_iy8goc1 wrote
Meow meow nibba
Crafty_Creeper64 t1_iy8hfaz wrote
Anyone seen Jack Black?
magnidwarf1900 t1_iy8i83r wrote
The Black Knight?
hairy_asian21 t1_iy8j4a4 wrote
you might want to delete one of your reply
Jack_In_Black89 t1_iy8kz2w wrote
Isn't the Rock Half Black, Half Samoan?
RaghuvamsiMC t1_iy8lwys wrote
"Mmmmm! Mmm, mmm?" "Dude, for the tenth time, SPEAK! I can't understand shit that you're saying"
[deleted] t1_iy8p2jl wrote
JamesGamesAnimates t1_iy8qalk wrote
His head would blow off if he made any sound without opening his mouth
Economy_Armadillo_28 t1_iy8sxea wrote
I’m very surprised the word “racist” has not once been used in any form yet in the comments….o wait I’m first yes I win 🥇 🎉🎉🎉🥳🍾
Universe2910 t1_iy8t0vk wrote
My ass isn't there
XeoPlay123 t1_iy8xymr wrote
Black Noir from The Boys
BankLast4358 t1_iy8yn1i wrote
No I'm patrick
Mochi_suhsi t1_iy8yxa0 wrote
oh this is so well done 😂😭
kirby_with_a_sword t1_iy8yz4s wrote
Where tf is Jack Black
ENFPwhereyouat t1_iy8z72e wrote
rip black panzer
TheBoy2007 t1_iy907j8 wrote
Suspicious_Breeze t1_iy90z5d wrote
Forgot Jack Black
Repulsive_Ad_2913 t1_iy91an3 wrote
I hate these annual meeting format.
Don't get me wrong, this is a good meme, but it will probably trigger a 100 more reposts just adding and removing more characters.
SodaPopCurtis1983 t1_iy91jbt wrote
I don't understand the joke or what this picture is supposed to mean. I'm so confused rn.
The-King_Of-Games t1_iy91rcv wrote
I dont get it.........
KotoriNoShogai t1_iy92cbj wrote
You fucking racist
RaghuvamsiMC t1_iy92xnp wrote
Oh yeah I forgot. Hmm. I guess sign language is the way to go for him then
Soravinier t1_iy93qxa wrote
He has black in name. It's just a joke.
Shortofbetternames t1_iy94ocr wrote
Yu-gi-oh is dark magician not black magician
iwatchanime101 t1_iy94q23 wrote
Jack Black?
iwatchanime101 t1_iy94ub5 wrote
First Black King Koopa
Ol_bagface t1_iy9504z wrote
But serious is a exception because he can transform into a dog
Silent51200 t1_iy9618q wrote
Mfs are so stupid nowadays literally no harm done
justadogdontblameme t1_iy970kd wrote
They all have Black in their names
navyblue_birb t1_iy972dz wrote
Still a black dog nonetheless
The-King_Of-Games t1_iy97n2w wrote
Ohhhhhhhhh, clever OP
Very clever
Stingray296 t1_iy993jf wrote
I mean, she's technically right...
NobleShock t1_iy997ru wrote
Black Man wasn’t in there…?
EdgelordOfEdginess t1_iy9axkg wrote
Kipperklank t1_iy9bxu1 wrote
I only see one black man there...shame
[deleted] t1_iy9cual wrote
No1ReijuSimp t1_iy9cxs1 wrote
dont forget him
Barry_Bone_Raiser t1_iy9dluk wrote
Elizabeth7238 t1_iy9f0n3 wrote
Where's Jack Black?
Grassy_MC t1_iy9f94j wrote
Iirc the "dark magic(ian)..." series was synomous to "black magic" as that is what they all used. I wouldn't be surprised as YGO has tendency to change name/word of card to this day. Don't forget 4-kids censored alot of the evil magic, cultist and murders game in the series with the "shadows"
Limu_emu_69 t1_iy9geu7 wrote
Black falcon
Shortofbetternames t1_iy9gpda wrote
i mean 4kids has nothing to do with the printing of the cards by konami itself, I never actually watched yugioh dubbed, let alone by 4kids (im not american). However I do have all my 300~ cards in english as I like to collect them, as well as a few yugioh figures (statues and action figs) and its always been dark magician, regardless of 4kids
The name in japanese would translate to "burakku magician" which is black magician, but for some reason the english department of konami decided dark magician would be better
TellTaleTank t1_iy9hv4k wrote
I didn't get around to watching the show, does he have a special sign language with his wife like in the comics?
tab_tab_tabby t1_iy9hy4m wrote
Black lightning?
jerseyboy856 t1_iy9i72j wrote
Don't forget Black Lightning and Black Cat
Adjacent_door t1_iy9izzu wrote
SlayGamesX t1_iy9keq4 wrote
ThrownawayCray t1_iy9kr52 wrote
Brizzle :D
jthunderk89 t1_iy9kr93 wrote
I thought his name was black Tim or evan or something. Idk, all i remember was that he was African American
thebiggestprickhere t1_iy9l8mj wrote
Black Lightning?
[deleted] t1_iy9lmkq wrote
loddieisoldaf t1_iy9mwy9 wrote
With mani
loddieisoldaf t1_iy9n08z wrote
They're off to meet Joe black
discardedcumrag t1_iy9nsjb wrote
WTF? No Kirk Lazarus?
[deleted] t1_iy9r3ro wrote
Economy_Armadillo_28 t1_iy9sm0l wrote
Economy_Armadillo_28 t1_iy9u5an wrote
YourLocalBeansDealer t1_iy9vilv wrote
It's Black Adam
MaiAuhasard t1_iy9visa wrote
Bad bot. This comment is stolen from this one.
Rich_Future4171 t1_iy9w8ks wrote
What about Jack black?
[deleted] t1_iy9ws36 wrote
SuperSeriousDad t1_iya2wxf wrote
Ere no, Black Tom Cassidy, White Irish mutant, deadpool hams up his name as a way to bash cable in deadpool2
BoredPsion t1_iya4vt6 wrote
Hold your fire!
[deleted] t1_iya4zw7 wrote
[deleted] t1_iya63o0 wrote
Lazy_Struggle4939 t1_iya80ll wrote
That man's not black!
ZargothraxTheLord t1_iya8tka wrote
Apprehensive-Comb196 t1_iyaa5nn wrote
Which one?
jthunderk89 t1_iyaae2r wrote
I was literally quoting the movie
KingdomMarshadow t1_iyaed9l wrote
I don’t get it
Dry_Contact_3390 t1_iyag47f wrote
don't forget these two
DatG33Nboi898 t1_iyahbp7 wrote
I think this is a little racist
magnidwarf1900 t1_iyalzin wrote
The "tis but a scratch" one
ElemLight t1_iyamoaf wrote
They are reading berserk in the break. He is present.
Scrungyscrotum t1_iyatlo9 wrote
They already have daily meetings in prison, dummy.
Backonthatgoonsh1t t1_iyautfj wrote
0/10. No Black Dynamite
creepercraft9989 t1_iyb5xgj wrote
Weird that they all are from the MCU 🤔
YousernameinValid t1_iyb872x wrote
I get this reference
YousernameinValid t1_iyb8j9r wrote
Black widow, Sirius Black, black rock, black panther
blondebaddiesecret t1_iyb98e5 wrote
Venom should be there
RulerOfGaming12 t1_iybadnx wrote
Where jack black?
v_ortex115 t1_iybe4zh wrote
black lightning
Disorganized_Closet t1_iybhpu7 wrote
Disorganized_Closet t1_iybhsx2 wrote
I think you’re overreacting
Disorganized_Closet t1_iybhuk5 wrote
Damn it’s almost as if that’s the whole fucking joke
-YELDAH t1_iyc057q wrote
There are others?
Regalia_BanshEe t1_iyc2e3l wrote
Black noir?
Mindful-O-Melancholy t1_iyc4df6 wrote
Blade, Spawn, Luke Cage, Deadshot, Domino, Falcon, Bishop, Misty Knight, Cyborg, Storm, Nick Fury are missing
mr_poopie_butt-hole t1_iyc6avm wrote
Black Vulcan?! ... In his pants.
calamitysir t1_iycf5a5 wrote
What about Super Saiyan Goku Black?
TheMildGunman t1_iycgnm5 wrote
Ooooh, I got it.
jackhammery t1_iycjapa wrote
rip black pancake
hairy_asian21 t1_iycu0k4 wrote
you reply same thing twice, it's not about the joke
Professional_Mode440 t1_iyd8r98 wrote
Can we get much higher?
thisiskovansam t1_iy82kp4 wrote
How do you know Black Panther is black? He is wearing a mask