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cuntffucker_69 t1_iy7ulu2 wrote

Tbh the trio defeated Voldemort ffs plus, earlier 150 points were deducted from Gryffindor because of the same trio going out at night


Staggeringpage8 t1_iy858nb wrote

To add to that it was going out at night to stop Voldemort after nobody would believe that there was someone trying to get the sorcerer's stone. I think 150 points is honestly less than they deserve.


ALinkToThePants t1_iy863b7 wrote

I don't think that 150 is even half as well as they should like; and less than half of the points half as well as they deserve...


WhoSmokesThaBlunts t1_iy8b2kq wrote

We just watched this last night and unless I missed something, this post is from the perspective of every other student that didn't even know the events around the stone took place.

Slytherin and even Ravenclaw should be pissed especially if the mario party bonus points at the end had never been done before. At the very least I'd be demanding an explanation. All this assuming the house cup is actually meaningful and comes with extras but if its not a big deal then probably no one actually cares


TurnipForYourThought t1_iy8cgdy wrote

>All this assuming the house cup is actually meaningful and comes with extras but if its not a big deal then probably no one actually cares

It's a boarding school for children and teenagers. You bet your ass they gave that House Cup some meaning.


InevitableHunt5074 t1_iy8eib4 wrote

Dumbledore does say something to the effect of only you three, and valdamort, were there and it was all top secret so naturally the whole school knows about it. So I always assumed the whole school knew about it.


Notoday t1_iy9knc5 wrote

Nah man. They are 11. They broke a lot of rules and put themselves in very serious danger. Yes, they stopped Hitler, so you can't really punish them... but they're still children, and as a school you probably shouldn't encourage students to put their lives in danger lol


pilesofcleanlaundry t1_iy918xd wrote

Actually it was going out at night to stop Voldemort after Dumbledore decided he didn’t feel like it.


MathigNihilcehk t1_iyatb8u wrote

Except they only put the stone at risk because they went out.

If Potter had stayed home, nobody would’ve found the stone. The stone was perfectly safe until Potter showed up.


Staggeringpage8 t1_iyau1pw wrote

I disagree. Voldemort was already at the school he had most of the ways in prior to potter getting there and he would have got them all given the time regardless of if potter was there or not.


MathigNihilcehk t1_iyavqmv wrote

He wouldn’t have been able to best the mirror, AND dumbledore was on his way back to the castle pretty much immediately.

He couldn’t best the mirror puzzle with Harry Potter being present (the only way he had any chance of cracking the mirror puzzle) because dumbledore showed up without any aid from the rest of the team. If he had to do so without Potter in the same amount of time before the principle returned… he would’ve failed.


Aj53bje t1_iy97bof wrote

looks like we have an american


creedman21 t1_iy8kkul wrote

Harry - breaths

Snape - 5 points from Gryffindor.


BJYeti t1_iy8r1n1 wrote

"Your mother never fucked me Potter 100 points from Gryffindor"


pilesofcleanlaundry t1_iy91fel wrote

“Well, sir, there is this mirror…”


Mocei t1_iy9v1hi wrote

Necrophilia :D


NickSchultz t1_iycfec3 wrote

Honestly that was the weirdest inclusion in the movies that he ran to the house just to cradle her dead body (at least I'm hoping that's all he did)


Mocei t1_iyd75kz wrote

Yeah I sure hope so as well 😭


otirk t1_iya97ax wrote

there still has to be the body somewhere


thebestroll t1_iyaf27v wrote

Weren't Harry's parents litterly vaporized tho


SaharaRC t1_iyc1poe wrote

No, Just dropped dead because haha Deus ex machina Villian edition.


readituser5 t1_iybth1p wrote


99% of the time I see either breathe or breath online, it’s always wrong.


siddharth_pillai t1_iy85g9d wrote

The points they got for defeating fucking voldemort is only 10 more than that got deducted when they were roaming around at night (and they had to serve detention for that too).


Ghasty_001 t1_iy8dk5j wrote

I imagine aftwr the final fight in the 7tb book/8th film.

"Guys, okey, you defended the school and all, but you created a mess, -1000 points to all houses except slytherings who were in prison"


dummypod t1_iy8r6az wrote

-10000 points to slytherin for being inherently bad


PillowTalk420 t1_iy8s0yn wrote

-100 points for Slytherin for not even having a single student who speaks Parceltongue.


SpoconyPolak500 t1_iy8t9ml wrote

-1 000 000 points for Slytherin, beacouse they are the bad guys!


ccReptilelord t1_iy9akxy wrote

A special -10,000,000 points to Slytherin for getting -1,000,000 points.


ThrownawayCray t1_iy8tccq wrote

Why did this make me laugh so hard


dummypod t1_iyaw4mc wrote

Because from the way Rowling wrote the Slytherins.... being evil is like their core value, not aMbiTion or cUnNiNg


EphemeralMemory t1_iy8yf04 wrote

I think Rowling retconned this after the final book was released, saying Slughorn came back with a small army of slytherins to combat voldemort, to give slytherin a bit of positive exposure.

Not sure how that worked out specifically, but apparently it was a verified retcon.


Ghasty_001 t1_iy8zceo wrote

She also retconed the skin of hermione so I don't care what she says


siddharth_pillai t1_iy963ex wrote

She just said that because people were hating on the actress playing Hermione in The Cursed Child


m7samuel t1_iy8yvcc wrote

I don't think the world is ready for software patches for books.

She wrote what she wrote, what even is a "verified retcon"?


Ghasty_001 t1_iy8zgey wrote

She twitted "Harry should have been with Hermione". Like, lady, you wrote the story.


siddharth_pillai t1_iy96c9f wrote

I'm not joking when I say that she once said

>Hogwarts didn't always have bathrooms. Before adopting Muggle plumbing methods in the eighteenth century, witches and wizards simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence.

The above is a direct quote


sulris t1_iy9yi5p wrote

Lol. If you could do that, why even adopt modern plumbing. Complete waste.


EphemeralMemory t1_iy8z9qt wrote

I don't personally like it either, and in my headcannon it never happened.


Definiod t1_iy8lktq wrote

I think you mean patrick star from spongebob show.


fdar t1_iy8vfa1 wrote

Well roaming at night is explicitly against the rules and there's nothing in the handbook about defeating dark wizards.


siddharth_pillai t1_iy8vm0g wrote

Malfoy was also roaming at night and yet he got fewer points deducted


Notoday t1_iy9iugd wrote

He got the same 50 points deducted as the protagonists. There were 3 of them, hence the 150 points. At least in the movie.


sulris t1_iy9ypg8 wrote

To be fair they were also roaming at night when they defeated voldy so they should have lost an additional 150 points as well.


Comprehensive-Bat-50 t1_iy8d9kt wrote

Harry wet his bed on wet the bed Wednesday 100 points for griffondor


Sterogon t1_iy7ujef wrote

Any thoughts why they think that adding this rivalry is a good thing to cultivate?


11hortong t1_iy801nx wrote

Rivalry is healthy provided it's a fair playing field. A system that rewards hard work and good behaviour is not a bad thing. But it fails when the points are just blatantly handed out


meme_planet_13 t1_iy86uaz wrote

We had a similar system at my school, but instead of getting points through discipline and such, we only got them through extra curricular activities.

Like whichever house came 1st in the quiz, spelling bee, recitation, etc. got more points than the others.

It was a real good system. Unfortunately, my house never won, but we couldn't be mad because we fucked up bad on multiple occasions


Longjumping_Bug_7611 t1_iy8hvqk wrote

At my bording school we bought weed from the lunch lady.

I liked our system.


Hibbity5 t1_iy8jqfk wrote

At mine, the freshmen bought heroin from a guy on our senior council. Somehow, he didn’t get expelled and arrested once caught; well, he was the son of a rich businessperson so that’s why.


fab1anz1mmer t1_iy7wqha wrote

I think the idea is to make the students behave honourly to gain points. But it kinda creates classism between the different houses


HaViNgT t1_iy82m98 wrote

Maybe it would work better if people were randomly assigned and if they reshuffled the houses every year.


JustYourBiBestie t1_iy8dqjd wrote

Nah, then you are splitting up friends which would cause an even worse scenario.


HaViNgT t1_iy8f2di wrote

The existing system also does that for interhouse friendships.


Force3vo t1_iy911fg wrote

But how would they know which house to just treat like criminals once something happens? Or which children can be bullied for possibly becoming evil later on for having a hat tell them to be in the "evil" house?


dedarou96 t1_iy89g8j wrote

I think it's a custom of the school at this point. It has probably been been there since the school was founded. I think it's fine it just needs rules that are explicit about the activities that will make you loose or win points instead of the biased judgment of teachers and events should be held to win a big number of points. Like if you get extra points for exposing certain subjects and replicating magic/potions in class we would have more Hermiones in the school


Helmet_Icicle t1_iy8jmd2 wrote

It facilities inter-group social bonding to substitute the absence of pastoral care students would otherwise miss without living at home. It also mitigates poor student:teacher ratios when older students look after younger students.

Scholastic rivalry promotes healthy competitive scenarios in a relatively safe atmosphere, which engenders growth and development.

Based on real academic structure:


Tyrayentali t1_iy7utki wrote

Because even Hogwarts couldn't escape capitalism.


damnappdoesntwork t1_iy7op3p wrote

I liked the Dumbledore character better when he was played by Gandalf.


l3isery t1_iy7pid0 wrote

He was never played by Ian McKellen (Gandalf). In the first two films, Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris while in three to eight, Michael Gambon had the role.


Orangensaft007 t1_iy7pq1k wrote

No you are mistaken, he was played by Patrick Stewart from Star Trek


enerthoughts t1_iy7sbrp wrote

I think you mean patrick star from spongebob show.


ThePopmop t1_iy86b3u wrote

OMG I loved that moment where he said "It's starring time" and nailed that dudes nutsack to his door, it was one of the moments in history


Hail-Atticus-Finch t1_iy7vcjo wrote

I hear he is such a grand actor he has played both the parts of your mother and father for when one of them is out of town


spozaga11 t1_iy8s4me wrote

I never liked Michael Gambon much as Dumbledore, he's always shouting and dramatic and that's not how Dumbledore is supposed to act


fidgetypenguin123 t1_iy8vsle wrote

Honestly I felt the same. Thought Harris embodied him more. Didn't think Gambon did the character any favors.


Kommander-in-Keef t1_iy8sr62 wrote

“Yes yes slytherin wins but oh hey what’s this? Neville longbottom was brave? Fucking 50 points. Oh what else is there oh hey Harry Potter murdered one of our faculty another 50 points. Oh would you look at that gryffindor came out on top what a coincidence!”


pilesofcleanlaundry t1_iy923tx wrote

It was self defense


Pennywise_clown99 t1_iy9kyad wrote

Self defense? He was actively seeking him out. I don't think that fits the legal definition of self defense. Even if it was, murder isn't an appropriate response, since you can only kill someone if there is absolutely nothing you can do and your life is actively in danger, otherwise knocking them out if the most you can do.

And stalking someone and murdering them after they fight you off for doing that I do not think can be justified as self defense


ADHD-Gamer03 t1_iy9qp1j wrote

seeking out to stop him, harry never had violent intentions. voldemort attacked and continued to attack, harry just put his hands on his face


RandomLegend t1_iy8ekvo wrote

As if Snape didn't rig the house cup for 7 years straight.


Aegillade t1_iy9ayh9 wrote

Seriously it's been a while since I've read Harry Potter, was there anything stopping someone from rigging the fuck out of the point system? Or was it just an honor system?


sulris t1_iy9z8xa wrote

We did something similar with points as camp counselors and honestly the authority figures just want to motivate the children to act right. We didn’t really care who had the most points. So it came out pretty fair.

There was an inflation that started as the kids got points (that we just made up) they became less willing to seek more points unless the same tasks offered more point than before. Maybe just a quirk of human nature.


studentoo925 t1_iy9bh6p wrote

Other teacher probably? It was honour system, that's why Snape rigged it.


AngryAntArmy t1_iy8udsv wrote

Also the whole house cup system and houses were not a big deal.

They were a big deal to Harry when he first came to hogwarts; because that was his first sense of community, and friendship. Most of the slytherine are just like “oh that sucks, anyway: yeah can’t wait to go home.”

Even for Harry the whole house cup and point systems fades as he realizes it’s just a silly way to help keep kids in line. About halfway thru the series they don’t even mention the house cup because Harry doesn’t even think about it anymore.

So giving grfandor the house cup was clearly a “aww it means a lot to him” thing.


TheMiniRobot t1_iy92sqz wrote

Snape: "It appears that Gryffindor is winning the house cup..."

Dumbledore: "What of it?"

Snape: "It just seems odd to me that Mr. Potter keeps being awarded 50 points in the late hours of the night. He also spends a great deal of time in your office wouldn't you say?"

Dumbledore: "Special wizard training, he needs to master my wand."

Snape: "Do you mean his wand?"

Dumbledore: "Yeah sure whatever"


AniMasonReddit t1_iy981lh wrote

He must learn to master his elders wand- I mean the elder wand yeah that


8_Gauge_Tempest t1_iy8godn wrote

Just separate them by nation of origin. England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. If you know, you know.


Everyoneheresamoron t1_iy8it6r wrote

The point system basically creates bullying and intimidation from the houses.


MahaSura_3619 t1_iy8wpdu wrote

This kept me laughing for like 5 minutes straight. I wish I had an award to give. Totally deserves it.


peruzgnaus t1_iy9hvtm wrote

So the bad (the Snake thing) have won, but i want Harry ti win because he Is good, so 1737493846 points to griffindors


Limeddaesch96 t1_iy874c3 wrote


Emperor Joseph II


thenbmeade t1_iy96r70 wrote

Just all the points wrongfully taken away going back to them


Sly8790 t1_iyafv28 wrote

Haha dumbledor was it


[deleted] t1_iy8cyz2 wrote



JustYourBiBestie t1_iy8e7z1 wrote

The competition=collaboration would most likely apply differently in a high level school for magic than it would for just human schools with no magic or mystical stuff


Savitar-1 t1_iyax4mx wrote

Gryffindor - Does nothing special while Slytherins do everything and get approval from all teachers.

Wins house cup


Kremit_OFogg t1_iybv3nj wrote

"Harry was able to the his shoes all by himself today, 10 trillion points to griffindoor"


iKnowbetta15 t1_iybwj6e wrote

Yoooooo they were cheating that shit 😂


fillytopper t1_iyc3a6m wrote

Lol, from the beginning its so obvious there's a preference and its not going to be fair and impartial


nick124699 t1_iy9hwor wrote

Y'all never read the books and it shows.


IcyStomach4471 t1_iy7nb3w wrote



reddit-michael t1_iy7uacv wrote

"bHahahaHahahahHahahAhAhaHa tHiS mAdE mE lAugH mOre thAn iT sHouLd'Ve"

stfu 100p to gryffindor


shamrocksmash t1_iy81yp5 wrote

Such a Slytherin thing to say!

100p to Gryffindor


Cathar06 t1_iy8g0ss wrote

"sUCh a slYTherIn tHinG tO saY!"

Shut the fuck up, 100 points to Gryffindor


Plazbot t1_iy8562b wrote

Now THIS is why I read reddit. Haha