horsetuna OP t1_j2byjdf wrote
I'm surprised it hasn't been done yet (may have been when I was asleep though)
Do take care of yourself!
JAEM89 t1_j2byxmr wrote
I'm sold...*buys ticket
Warm-Initiative-6178 t1_j2bzjk8 wrote
IrISsolutions t1_j2bzn6v wrote
What's the reason for annoyance?
Something going on that I'm not aware of?! Like WWIII?
[deleted] t1_j2c0gex wrote
WizardsDoItBetter t1_j2c0gqm wrote
Andrewtsteaway beer, mmmmmm.
horsetuna OP t1_j2c0w57 wrote
Something happened on twitter about a day ago and this sub went berserk. This annoyed many others. It snowballed from there.
hiddenbuttslurper t1_j2c274j wrote
Joke’s on them, I’ve been on a bender since December 19th. My organs are liquefied at this point so uh…cheers 🍻
whiskey_jones t1_j2c7nfa wrote
Does it count if I just stay home and get drunk?
ChipNASA t1_j2c7v6c wrote
And Nobody Died Right? Everything’s Wonderful
This Absolutely Teases Everyone
Kiibo22 t1_j2cdqlq wrote
Yeeeeeaaahhh Boy!
Meh_M-E-H t1_j2chyio wrote
Fuck that. Not until Big Al admits that dogs can look up
Prestigious_Goat6969 t1_j2cj2o1 wrote
I would but I don’t trust pubs anymore, at least not ours…
returntomonke_- t1_j2cmqz5 wrote
I keep pressing hide post because of Andrew tate
horsetuna OP t1_j2cng15 wrote
May have to mute the entire sub for a few days.
Hallo_Internet t1_j2ctcy3 wrote
We dont say the Z word.
TheOnlyDerpTaco t1_j2cu0g7 wrote
Underrated comment right here
Kiibo22 t1_j2cu26g wrote
But dogs can look up!
FLBasher t1_j2curt2 wrote
I’m 14 so….
SomeLikeItDusty t1_j2di9is wrote
Rabit_x t1_j2dknbt wrote
i read this in british
aineri t1_j2e9cd8 wrote
Shaun of the dead meme
Historical-Serve5643 t1_j2by650 wrote
I don’t know why but I needed to hear that right now.