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DragNutts t1_ja9l4vt wrote

Why are you asking where I work? All I'm saying is this almost isn't a mistake. Did they not look at the burger as they were making it? But hey I'm not a culinary artist so what do I know?

Edit: Words are tough.


Purlofur t1_ja9riww wrote

I think it's more just that they were rushed and accidentally slipped it in there. Might've fallen into the pan of lettuce or worked it's way into the produce. Realistically, these things happen. Especially at a fast food place that hires mostly teenagers who probably have never held a job before.

I work at a restaurant as a cook, and I'm not about to say I've never made a stupid mistake before.


drunkfoowl t1_jaaiqlo wrote

So clearly the answer is "I have never worked in the food service industry".

The reason I asked, is because if you had you would realize that when you do something 1000x a day, 5-6 days a week, for years, you naturally have a few mishaps here and there. The fact that you will completely drop a place for something simple like this is telling to both your character and your experience.

Make sense?
