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Spiritual-Wind-3898 t1_j9zlfpk wrote

Its really not. Ask them to remove. They remove it.


SoNic67 t1_j9zwvsi wrote

Then it is attempt at stealing?

PS: In US you can also NOT PAY the tip. They won't call the cops on you but, like in UK. you better not try to eat there next time. Because... spit happens.


Spiritual-Wind-3898 t1_ja00288 wrote

You know its not complusory in the UK and its not the same as the US. And in fact is often considered rude to even ask for tips.


SoNic67 t1_ja089l8 wrote

Is not compulsory in US either. Just rude not to. If you can't afford to tip, eat at home - problem solved.


Spiritual-Wind-3898 t1_ja09ejl wrote

Its not rude in other countries to not tip. When in US i tip. When in UK i dont. And its not considered rude in uk to not tip. Its normal to not tip


SoNic67 t1_ja09pjp wrote

But it is on the bill. It's either compulsory or they are trying to steal from you.

The fact that they take it off if you ask is irrelevant. They can take off the whole order if they wanted, it's their bill, their business.