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ChrisK_au t1_je986jr wrote

Sure it wasn't a heatsink?


Orkekum t1_je98uvq wrote

Unecessary big heatsink, plus unnecessary thick and appears to have been glued to the case


Pudi2000 t1_je9b3pn wrote

Some cheap chargers can get very hot, I'll take bigger and thicker if it expected to get hot when used properly.


Enby_Rin t1_je9mjlm wrote

Sometimes they also do this so your device doesn't move. It's not the same, but I have a docking station for my laptop that contains a 1 lb chunk of steel so it won't drift across my table.


Electric-War t1_jea3v4n wrote

They do the same thing in tv remotes, even placing them in an area that makes the remote orient itself correctly in the hand. Think heavy side down. If it has heft, it feels right, according to some.


Dear_Tax_3576 t1_jebznl9 wrote

It’s a heat sink and also adds mass.


Orkekum t1_je97iow wrote

Not uncommon in cheap devices


AF9005 t1_je9i6m7 wrote

Might have been a cheap knockoff, it's really risky using it with your device. Where did you buy this anyway?


Sylvurphlame t1_jea2529 wrote

If it’s a wireless charging pad it’s likely there to keep the pod from moving about. If it’s a docking style charging stand, it’s likely a counterweight for the phone.

Edit: Actually that looks like a wall plug. Not sure what it’s for if so.


HolyCrapItsJohn t1_jeb2dcj wrote

They used to do this with cell phones for the US market because if it was too light it felt “cheap” or “low quality”. The same phones sold in the Asian market were a few ounces lighter.