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Dorocche t1_jd3hlei wrote

What counts as ethically raised for you?

I used to think vegetarians were illogical cowards, because as you point out dairy causes at least as much harm as meat does. These days, though, I've realized that they're being completely logical: they're causing less harm than they would if they still ate meat, even though their harm isn't zero. A vegan's harm isn't zero either, it's just comparatively negligible. It doesn't have to be black and white.


[deleted] t1_jd3lfda wrote



Dorocche t1_jd3lv8f wrote

Oh, I meant more practically; what do you look for on the side of the box or the company's website or whatever to see if it's ethical?


sendmoneyimpoor t1_jd3azi1 wrote

You can’t ETHICALLY raise an animal for meat. There is nothing ethical about taking away a life for your tastebuds. Do better, bro.
