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MystifiedPeroxide t1_jdplk18 wrote

Pretty cool! Wonder if they would last a little longer then?


AdmiralPoopbutt t1_jdpoy9b wrote

Possibly but shipping and handling is a lot less efficient this way. Might be beneficial in areas close to where bananas are grown though.


Laogama t1_jdpthuc wrote

I live in a banana growing area. Nowhere does this. Then again, nowhere wraps bananas in plastic either.


Captain_Naps t1_jdqg2c6 wrote

>Then again, nowhere wraps bananas in plastic either.

on styrofoam platters.


windofdeath89 t1_jdqo0xt wrote

I grew up in a banana growing area and it is indeed common to have these in smaller shops (Not supermarkets and the like).

You don’t have to buy the whole thing just take how many ever you want.


scorched-earth-0000 t1_jdqnb7w wrote

You're obviously wrong. Somewhere does this, look at the picture Somewhere bananas are wrapped in plastic, I've seen it before this and you see it here. I don't understand you


Fish201 t1_jdqyp6c wrote

I think you can assume he meant that nowhere in the vicinity of the area he lives in did this