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Sixty4Fairlane OP t1_je5kwyd wrote

We've had them for a bit less than a year and they're really fun, but I don't plan to take them to the ocean because the freshwater lake is big enough here.


gearslut-5000 t1_je5l1od wrote

nice, I couldn't imagine owning one but I'm glad you find them fun. Do you wear those neoprene shorts?


weighted_walleye t1_je72laj wrote

> I couldn't imagine owning one

Why not? They're easy as hell.


gearslut-5000 t1_je8doab wrote

just not my thing.. I've rode some and it felt like mowing the lawn. more of a snowmobile / dirt bike / atv / motorcycle kind of guy


weighted_walleye t1_je9apkj wrote

Interesting, since they're pretty much the snowmobile/atv/motorcycle of the water.


gearslut-5000 t1_je9nqnu wrote

yeah but think about driving a motorcycle around a giant parking lot exclusively.. or snowmobiling around a flat frozen lake and never getting on a trail.. gets boring pretty fast.


weighted_walleye t1_jebp3lh wrote

Going fast never gets boring. I wish it was like being on a giant parking lot all the time. Clearly you've never been anywhere that waves exist.


gearslut-5000 t1_jebuaae wrote

correct. are you inviting me to go jet skiing with you?


weighted_walleye t1_jec5hmk wrote

Absolutely not. Jet skis with two people on them aren't nearly as fun as jet skis with one.