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_lippykid t1_jdrhca3 wrote

Sorry to hear that. Similar thing happened to my nephew in the UK. His parents thought he was trying to get outta school so didn’t take him to the hospital quick enough. Nearly died. Shit is no joke

Luckily, in my case I’d literally just read the symptoms a few days before and knew what it was right away. Happened in NYC and the hospital was awesome


Prinzka t1_jdrjf7z wrote

>Nearly died. Shit is no joke

Yeah same here, came pretty close.

>Luckily, in my case I’d literally just read the symptoms a few days before and knew what it was right away.

Yeah, recognizing the symptoms makes such a gigantic difference, and it can go wrong so quickly.
Had I recognized the symptoms right away it would've probably been minor.
As it was it was quite close to killing me.

>Happened in NYC and the hospital was awesome

I was in one of the best hospitals, so I trust they did what was best. It was mainly my own stupidity that made it bad.