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halfasleepallthetime t1_iuhi3mh wrote

I'm not a Buddhist but if I were I'd say you're in for a cold winter and it's time to buy a new coat.


Makinarius t1_iuhr4vd wrote

A moth found enlightenment by becoming Drip.


calguy1955 t1_iuhta69 wrote

There has to be some deep hidden meaning here. Should I be buying more flood insurance or something?


thetrapjesus t1_iuhuq9e wrote

fits the theme. Buddha has snails on his head to block the sun, and a cape on his back to look fly as hell


SunDance967 t1_iuiacvc wrote

Oh, are you a Buddhist? I’m a Christian, but don’t worry, I’m not homophobic or going to make you convert. Cultures are so interesting to me, I love seeing things from a different perspective.


NoRecruit t1_iuijpto wrote

If I saw this big-ass Moth in my house, I’d run the hell out and never look back.


Sunblast1andOnly t1_iuir4wm wrote

That is undoubtedly a syandana. It's an ornament worn on the back in a video game called Warframe. Normally I wouldn't try to draw that comparison, but... I mean, it looks just like it. They even have a collection of them designed to look like moths.


Arteryse t1_iuir5pu wrote

Siddhartha coppin that latest collection


StopBadModerators t1_iuivhuy wrote

Cape. If you vote "cape", then reply "cape". If you vote "coat", then reply "coat".


GuitarGeezer t1_iuixgu2 wrote

Like James Brown being led off in the cape before he swings back into action for an encore!


Cjm7603 t1_iujogy1 wrote

That moth is massive. Could be a trenchcoat


cyankitten t1_iujw3qw wrote

It looks kinda like a knitted or crochet 🧶 one