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onthefrontlinegaming OP t1_itf6p1q wrote

Shit I’m gonna have to go back and get it arent i…


BurnEmTurnEm t1_itf6tt1 wrote

Oh yeah. Tell me what goodwill it is and I'll even Google what time they open for you.


onthefrontlinegaming OP t1_itf8b47 wrote

They open at 10am tomorrow. If it wasn’t in such a shit ass busy part of town I’d seriously consider it 😂


melbbear t1_itfoft0 wrote

Its going to be quite underwhelming whatever it is


PezRojo t1_itiwqbh wrote

I don't know why, but I feel like it's going to be a Tom Selleck movie. Maybe a copy of "Runaway", but most likely "Quigley Down Under". It's just a feeling.