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No_Shop_ t1_iuhkow7 wrote

Lot of 'Dollar Stores' in the US buy from production sources and a lot of them are often 'Mix'n'GRAB!' styled gummies, chips, you name it. They feel like production-rejects. Food that was on the line but either was misshaped or lumpy.

So when I see this, I think of dollar tree style of quality. This bag wasn't made with the intensive purpose of mixing fresh-chips off the line into your bag. No instead this is very likely just production rejects from their other lines put into one big batch so they could sell it.

Imagine woodworking, you make a beautiful statue that you decide to sell. But then you realize you can also sell the wood-shavings that fell on the floor for a cheaper price as well.

This bag is basically left-over woodshavings.