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TheFormless0ne t1_iuas3w4 wrote

Not at all. There were calculators like that, that would open up themselves after hitting that lever on the right hand side. These were around all the way up until the early 2000s.

Souce: was a kid then and had a couple of them.


kitten0077 t1_iuasmwf wrote

My hubby got one a few years ago from a Sargento goodie bag


MarvinParanoAndroid t1_iuasrge wrote

Not 70s, calculators were still expensive.
In the 80s, they got cheaper but they were mostly serious.
It has a smiley, I would guess in the 2000s or later.


Oldpqlyr t1_iuatatp wrote

It'd have to be mid 80's. Before then, no "hand calculators" were fun loving or cutesy, but were high tech tools.


studiousbeanr t1_iuatlm4 wrote

I used to fidget with these in elementary school haha has to be early 2000s.


jakemch t1_iuatuxr wrote

Almost assuredly from like 2004


InsideHorror9726 t1_iub1u46 wrote

> I can’t find anything about it online

You press the buttons and it does simple math operations.

Did you expect something covered in smiley faces to be some sort of antique item worth millions?


NotXiJinpingGoUSA t1_iubbyd4 wrote

Calculators actually aren’t very old. To see one this compact with this design means its probably mid 90s at the earliest.


JohnCrichtonsCousin t1_iubtcq4 wrote

Best calculator ever. Such a small feature that made using it so engaging as a kid. They should've kept them around.


EntertainmentQuick47 OP t1_iudhn44 wrote

No, but the back of it says “North American Technical College” which seems to be a defunct college in Arizona. That was my biggest interest and I also wanted to know when It was made, which seems like it was late 90s or early 2000s