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crank1000 t1_iucdy5t wrote

Does Montana not allow companies to fire employees unless they break an NDA?


slayez06 OP t1_iucik4a wrote

They would have to tell you not to do that... and I'm pretty sure they know people are taking pictures... SO SO SO many of them have multiple staff members posing with them. I think my family member is semi high up in the world of making them also as he has been with the company for over a decade and is considered a master having started as a guy with carpentry / painting skills. It actually seems like a really cool company to work for, they do all sorts of raffles and pot luck things and even give away free unused wood to the community


montwhisky t1_iudfke1 wrote

Montana does not have at-will employment. You have to fire someone “for cause” and that’s a very high bar under our laws. So, no, you can’t just fire someone for no reason. And even if they did have a policy that didn’t allow this, they’d have to give him multiple warnings before they fired him and a chance to correct his behavior. Welcome to the law in place without at-will.