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derepeco t1_iy77dpg wrote

Seems like Coinstar is missing out on a side hustle. Install a high speed optical scanner in those kiosks that can detect rare coins and separate them for resale.


Omnitographer t1_iy7huyn wrote

Thankfully the machines reject older coins, my dad tried coinstaring a box of quarters his parents had saved over the years after they passed, it was full of silver quarters. I was shocked he didn't know about silver quarters / think to check the box for them. Thankfully the machine wouldn't take those and the bank clerk explained why and the box came home for proper valuing and sale.


longhaul77 t1_iy7jrmw wrote

It's probably because developing the ability to do so is cost prohibitive compared to how many of them show up. I don't think this is a common occurrence by any stretch


flutterbyasaurus t1_iyb5a66 wrote

Sometimes coins don't get ejected but don't get counted either and end up in a separate container meant for trash, damaged coins, and other non-coin items.

Coinstar has their employees ship any coins found in that to an office that definitely profits off of them. Corporate also been known to go to random machines, and put in specific coins that will go into that container, then watch for the employee to send it in. If they don't send it in, coinstar fires them for stealing.