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TossMeAwayToTheMount t1_iy1giwn wrote

not as wholesome as you'd think, this move came after calls into investigating massive price gauging and profits during peak inflation


its a smokescreen


grilledcheese2332 t1_iy1tqjl wrote

Exactly they've already raised them so high this price freeze is a joke


Queasy_Recover5164 t1_iy23n04 wrote

Exactly the same thing happened here in New Zealand. Massive investigation, recommendations to breakup our grocery duopoly, force the sale of stores, separate wholesale distribution, etc.

Suddenly everyone one “price locked” and the scrutiny went away.


Revampted t1_iy4aw89 wrote

Canada is built off of oligopolies. It’s why we have some of the highest telecom rates in the world. Our government would rather twiddle their thumbs than go break them apart and it’s pathetic.


OutWithTheNew t1_iy1yo2y wrote

Brought to you by the family who got busted fixing the price of bread.


LuxAlpha OP t1_iy1h0ky wrote



buzzhavoc t1_iy1pxzr wrote

They literally raised all their prices, THEN said we're locking the new all time high prices in. Golly gee, thanks you pieces of merde.


lolmemelol t1_iy1v9zw wrote

Where did you find this? Curious how you came to believe this was a good thing.

This PR move didn't go over so well with anyone who has been paying attention to the price of groceries.

Are you Canadian? Do you buy groceries?


patman_007 t1_iy266xu wrote

In addition to this they announced it heading into a quarter all grocery stores freeze prices. It's common practice for everyone to virtually freeze prices through January. So they just made an announcement about a common practice that always happens.


CommissarAJ t1_iy2eepv wrote

Yeah, I think that was Metro's (a competing grocery chain) immediate response: 'we all do this around this time of the year'


ButtMcNuggets t1_iy29xvb wrote

And after they were caught price fixing bread just a few years ago.


eiksnaglesn t1_iy495rg wrote

Ffs my country’s most common bus stop/terminal food and tobacco chain(idk what to call it but you probably know what I mean) tried to advertise price locking cinnamon buns. I don’t think anyone bought into it though, cause the ads disappeared pretty quickly.


tribefan_12 t1_iy2lux7 wrote

Lol. The government investigating price gouging is a joke. If they really were gouging, they would be punished by the market without the need for government


thatsandwizard t1_iy2up3b wrote

What market? Our grocery system is three conglomerates in a trench coat


toucheduck t1_iy4bqlx wrote

Are you also Canadian? Our market doesn't have real competition, consumers have extremely limited options to turn to.