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t1_j1b5vbd wrote

You sure this is Ft. Myers Beach? I drove the length of it last Sunday and nothing looked this good. It was total devastation and nothing was open. I feel real sorry for those people.


OP t1_j1b6ahg wrote

This is at the Bayfront Bistro, which was in surprisingly good shape considering how messed up the rest of Fort Myers Beach is.


t1_j1bhc7s wrote

Yeah, my Dad lives(d) a few blocks north of there. FMB is totally annihilated and will probably turn into the next Miami Beach, unfortunately


t1_j1bodmy wrote

What happened to Miami beach?


t1_j1bumfo wrote

What they're saying is that it's going to become more corporate owned entities rather than the privately owned, small town feel to the beach.


t1_j1dmc8m wrote

Well when you repeatedly build in an area that had this happen you'd think someone would learn to build a solid building...


t1_j1blcvo wrote

I live in about 2 miles from Fort Myers beach. I can confirm the storm surge had the water 6 feet deep rushing down my street. Peoples belongings being brought off to wherever. It was insane and have never witnessed anything like it in my 36 years here.


t1_j1ba4n5 wrote

What is the point of keep living on a place like that, this may happen again on some years, everything will be ruined again.


t1_j1bok39 wrote

There really should be a forced revamp of what these areas and their infrastructure should be. It's not if it's when.


t1_j1d4he8 wrote

There is. Look up the FEMA 50% rule. It’s causing a lot of grief and confusion down here


t1_j1czsg0 wrote

Don’t hold your breath with republican leadership, this is florida we are talking about.


t1_j1bm4ze wrote

It’s weird. We all end up paying for this. Over and over. For the rich to have a good view. Move!


t1_j1c8546 wrote

Have a lot of those in galveston from hurricane ike. Some in bars say you must be this tall to stay during a hurricane


t1_j1b7531 wrote

"Can I, uhhhh, get a taller table?"


t1_j1bdbcq wrote

They have this at a place in Jersey Shore for Sandy, not as high though


t1_j1bpln4 wrote

Saw something similar in a restaurant in Beach Haven, NJ less than a year after Sandy.


t1_j1b178n wrote

should have happened in miami instead


t1_j1b4g37 wrote

Weird fucking comment wtf. You wanted a denser area with more people to suffer? You can’t stop a hurricane, but did you want it to be another andrew or something? Andrew was terrible and that was still a lucky situation where the storm could’ve made landfall further north and caused far more damage

Saying as someone who’s lived in south fl my whole life btw

Edit: this guy lives in miami lol. I think he just wants to die


t1_j1b5hpj wrote

that edit nailed it


t1_j1b9may wrote

Maybe he’s just got incredible flood insurance or something and wants to go north idk. Just a super weird thing to comment

Oh you’re the guy lmao. Damn i’m slow af tonight