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jottow4 OP t1_j29o124 wrote

It’s what I love about legos. They could have made a new, unique part that looks like cherry blossoms. Instead they used a part they already had that somehow works perfectly


Likeomgitscrystal t1_j2a0iaj wrote

This is my favourite part about Lego too! My boyfriend has the succulent set and one of the plants is made from little pistols.


RutabagaCatwoman t1_j2b3tq9 wrote

I just finished this set today. The egg-shaped light green pieces on one of them are dinosaur eggs from another set.


PrintNarrow616 t1_j2dzy8s wrote

i have the same one and i was digging through the pieces when building a different plant and was so confused as to why there were guns


Saltposting t1_j2e2wwr wrote

You hit the nail on the head. I have this same set. Every time I see a particular part repurposed in a creative way it makes me so happy. Btw, I recommend their succulent set to go with this guy. That was a fun build too.