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victoriaa- t1_j20c66y wrote

Because it’s a coupon not their price, you can’t use them together or use the 2.49 for 2.


ayanachibi t1_j20cq8k wrote

Actually the fine print on the coupon says buy up to 6 in a single visit.


HecticBlumpkin t1_j21nw5b wrote

But if you want to buy 10, the 2for deal is better. So basically, I’m probably going through the drive through twice. Pretty simple


ayanachibi t1_j21o84t wrote

Absolutely...or just buy 16 and maximize both coupons and have a watch along party, no one's holding you back!


HecticBlumpkin t1_j21ovzl wrote

Haha that’s what I meant by going through the drive thru twice! Lol they won’t let you use both at once, but I’m a growing boy