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SmokeyMcPoticus t1_j6nyi9r wrote

I see McCarthy and Amy Schumer


eavesdroppingwanker t1_j6p5x9e wrote

Ha! Came here to say this! I smirked reallll hard when I saw it as the top comment. 🤣 Fantastic.


ethanwnelson t1_j6o6wui wrote

They’re realtors AND they’re women. This summer, get ready to laugh your pussy off, when these two childhood friends move back to their hometown and fight over a rich, handsome client. Prepare yourself for 2 hours of farts and jokes about their vaginas. “Get Real” starring Melissa McCarthy and Amy Schumer, in theaters July 17.


Poorkiddonegood8541 t1_j6of719 wrote

The Melissa McCarthy was spot-on. My first reaction to the other one was the late Carrie Fisher.


comicmuse1982 t1_j6oydbz wrote

The whole image looks really AI.


_Goose_ t1_j6p4q5o wrote

Nah that’s McCarthy yeah but the other is Stuart (look what I can do) from MADTv


btdz t1_j6nxdsg wrote

Second one is more Laurie Metcalf imo but yeah this could be a movie poster for Melissa McCarthy’s new flick lol


YouSnigle OP t1_j6ny5tx wrote

It's not quite exactly Kristen Wiig but Melissa McCarthy spot on.


LuxoriousApostrophe t1_j6oe27b wrote

I don't think you know what Kristen Wig looks like. But yea is that is definitely Melissa McCarthy


girlracer16SS t1_j6oplfd wrote

I see Melissa McCarthy and Vickie Lawrence


VinceBrogan8 t1_j6pdp36 wrote

Yes, Vicky Lawrence !!!

"This Monday on The Lifetime Movie Channel... a heartwarming story about life, love, gambling addiction, and selling old houses in a small town... starting Melissa McCarthy... Vicki Lawrence... and introducing (some 11 year old actress that won't be in another movie ever) in...

"Century 21 Or Bust"


ArizonaRon98 t1_j6nzmc3 wrote

That’s Amy Schumer watch ya mouth


ToniBee63 t1_j6nx0jx wrote

I hope it’s better than their last movies


YouSnigle OP t1_j6nx3az wrote

It totally looks like it could be a movie where they play rival Realtors or something


No-Cover-8986 t1_j6os2i1 wrote

I'd say a younger Carrie Fisher, on the right.


Combatical t1_j6os3ll wrote

This is where the simulation starts to fall apart. I'm on to it now..

These people could be realtors anywhere, in any town. I've seen these faces a thousand times. They can be in a restaurant, they can be standing in the middle of an aisle at the grocery. They're on tv for a local law firm, maybe its your friends aunt with the 20 cats... Its a face you can trust, because its familiar..

The simulation tried to hit random but they didnt realize they're picking from the same 20 faces..


melance t1_j6oehgu wrote

You can tell when someone got their Realtor's license because they only ever take one picture for advertistements.


PerpetualSinner87 t1_j6oj1ps wrote

That looks like a young Chris Farley and a middle-aged David Spade.


Enfmar t1_j6pb7zx wrote

It's weird that in the US you have a picture of an estate agent.


Saxamaphooone t1_j6pd98k wrote

You will never convince me that ISN’T Melissa McCarthy.


wclevel47nice t1_j6otvm6 wrote

The one the right looks like the wrong face has been photoshopped on her head, which itself was photoshopped onto the wrong body


RubyJuneRocket t1_j6ouc5y wrote

She can get you a new house and furnish it with a wagon wheel coffee table.


PunfullyObvious t1_j6owb7e wrote

With their photos that retouched/fake, I would not trust any of their house pix to be all that close to reality


LowJacK606 t1_j6pdj5e wrote

Looks like an Iranian booklegged dvd


MrMacGrath t1_j6ph9l1 wrote

They look like who I imagine "Karen" and "Sharon" look like, respectively.


Dick-Guzinya t1_j6pho7j wrote

Kristin Wiig is rolling over in her grave right now. Ouch.


North_South_Side t1_j6oukjy wrote

Why do real estate agents need to have their faces prominently shown on signage and business cards?

My lawyer doesn't do this. Nor does my doctor, or my dentist. I've worked with professional photo retouchers who do not slap their faces on their websites.

WTF, real estate agents?


rofopp t1_j6p7u6k wrote

No they don’t. Relax bruv


alexjaness t1_j6pc0i1 wrote

They look like Melissa McCarthy and if Kristen Wiig ate Melissa McCarthy


jiminak46 t1_j6o784g wrote

A stretch if I squint.


Jerdope t1_j6of8w5 wrote

