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drewbuggie OP t1_j62b8id wrote

first post deleted for breaking rule 6. throw me in jail. anyways the rest of the info is: this is encased bigfoot droppings (36” long) being displayed at the Bigfoot Museum, in Blue Ridge, GA, USA. the museum also has the largest number of bigfoot artifacts out of all of the bigfoot museums.


PandaCommando69 t1_j62emdx wrote

Of course there's a museum with Bigfoot turds in it. Of course there is. Lol


run50maybe t1_j6411cc wrote

I’ve got family who lives 7 mins from that museum, and they hadn’t gone. Only with my insistence did we go, and it was 100% as ridiculous as I expected. 8/10, would recommend with some cheek.