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dbbost t1_j6lb47j wrote

That chicken was probably born in 1983. That's crazy to think about


TAU_equals_2PI t1_j6le7bz wrote

"1983?! It's much older than that. Why, 39 years ago was... Oh... Never mind... Just gonna go start shopping for funeral plots."


chris-tier t1_j6m8ow2 wrote

Bold of you to assume there's real chicken in there. It's "golden chicken flavoured" after all.


trundlinggrundle t1_j6n1r2r wrote

No, it's real chicken, it's just 'mechanically separated chicken pieces', which is code for 'boiled leftover chicken carcasses'. Same process they use to make chicken broth.


OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6les74 wrote

Could be, the can was made in 19784.