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castor--troy t1_jacz64i wrote

My top 5 list:

Saving Private Ryan

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Gangs of New York



Honorable mention -> Shawshank and Pulp Fiction (not even nominated) to Forest Gump where not snubs, just a great year of movies.


Positive_Yam_9125 OP t1_jaczpb5 wrote

Umm... I believe ALL of those were nominated lol


castor--troy t1_jad2zuj wrote

I cant read, dem my winners.


Positive_Yam_9125 OP t1_jad4tqg wrote

Oh, so those are the movies you think should've won that year they were nominated? I'd agree with some, but I think Inception should've won at 2011 Oscars. I think Memento should've won the 2001 Best Pic, but it wasn't even nominated. I already included a Nolan movie though, so I didn't want to include another.

All of those are amazing movies you listed though


castor--troy t1_jad5vt2 wrote

I think Memento and Pulp Fuction ran into the same problem. New directors doing something diffrent. The oscar committee are a bunch of "seasoned" vets that really dislike people messing with thier cheese.

Inception was another great year... I wouldnt be upset if it won, not mad at the winner that year and even True Grit deserves a nod. Glad social network did not win.