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microwavedhottakes OP t1_jac6qh6 wrote

But not everyone has the free time to watch something within the first weeks of release.

Not saying that gives them the right to get angry of something gets spoiled, but intentionally spoiling things that are still super fresh seems inconsiderate to me.


Emeryb999 t1_jacw036 wrote

If someone cares that much about a spoiler, they should know to either get to the movie quickly or avoid the obvious places it will be spoiled.

I think the best courtesy is to keep spoilers out of things like post titles on reddit for a long time/maybe indefinitely.

I personally don't care about being spoiled, so that's where my motivation comes from lol. I have either forgotten spoilers or enjoyed movies that have been spoiled every time.


koberulz_24 t1_jacwh3x wrote

Heck, where I am Aftersun is only just starting to hit cinemas.