Submitted by Filmfan-2022 t3_11dp4wq in movies

just watched this and overall I enjoyed it while it played out how I thought it would so it was predictable.

the part where they tried to turn the lizzy sending selfies to the janitor and the whole plot. I know the film is a comedy but seeing that whole plot being played for laughs was odd.

like when they find out what lizzie is doing they don't have a serious talk they just act like she is being silly. the whole situation including them confronting the guy they thought was Jacob.

just seeing it played off for comedy was just uncomfortable to watch.

when Juan kept saying how,sorry he was for minor things. I thought the film at one point was going to reveal he was abused badly.

also when octivia Spencers character said she loves pie I couldn't help but laugh. due her character in the help

but other than that it was a good film and I did tear up towards the end.

not sure why the whole foster gang appeared at court 😅



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TrickNatural t1_ja9zf8x wrote

I liked it much more than I thought I would, however I think the movie sort couldnt find its identity. It wasnt really a comedy, but it wasnt really a drama either. It doesnt fully commit to either, so it kinda feels that it chickens out of being serious about the themes of adoption or just playing them for laughs, like you said, the whole Jacob thing was played for laughts, but the emotions and exhaustion and difficulty connecting with the kids felt real. The mother coming back felt serious. But then, comedy. So I wasnt sure if it was meant to be a serious take on the struggles of adoption or not. But like I said, overall I liked it, its better than most movies Whalberg has done recently.


Filmfan-2022 OP t1_jaa1ypr wrote

I felt it was trying to balance both.

when it did the dramatic stuff it did it well.

comedy was hit and miss.

Nice to see I not only one that thought the Jacob plot being played for laughs was wierd .

but the guy who made this did daddy's home 1 and 2 and I havnt seen second one but apoerntly there is a scene that depicts sexual assault and is played for laughs.

but then they are alot of movies that play off sexual assault of men for laughs.

get hard wedding crashers this is the end

just to name some

so maybe product of the times ??

when Juan kept saying how,sorry he was for minor things. I thought the film at one point was going to reveal he was abused badly.

also when octivia Spencers character said she loves pie I couldn't help but laugh. due her character in the help


ElPapaDiablo t1_jae00x1 wrote

I don’t mind it. It was honest about how hard it is and I think it actually captures pockets of the trauma foster kids carry. It was clearly supposed to be a feel good movie and at the end I was happy for they got to be a family.