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Bringbackmygorls t1_ja06vks wrote

Wouldn't a documentary be a better fit for this? Movie-wise don't see much in it, but documentary-wise you could deep dive examinate that night


Portmanlovesme OP t1_ja09mam wrote

If you think of it like Boiling Point or The Whale it could be one long take as the will smith character deals with the high emotion of his actions on a night where he knows he's has done massive damage to him, his family, his career and his public persona all while the world is watching and waiting for the announcement of his award. Think of the craziness in his head, the frantic nature of that table and the people involved as they try to maintain dignity in face of the worst type of scrutiny. The people in the audience all slowly realising islt wasn't fake, all wondering why it happened and in the centre of it all is this one man...