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Terrible-Painter4332 t1_j9su14a wrote

Explaining what the alien is wasn't part of the story so having these pointless questions isn't really film criticism....


rockincharlierocket t1_j9tzkgu wrote

i think its fair to include. for me i was also upset they didnt expand on the monster or its origin or whatever, but i can tell that the mosnter isnt the point of the story so i still enjoyed it


edit: came back to see these down votes even though i clearly say "i understand the monster isnt the point of the story and that i just like sci fi? hive mind at it again


Terrible-Painter4332 t1_j9tzx22 wrote

What would learning the origins of the alien add to the story or mystery even?


rockincharlierocket t1_j9u0ofr wrote

i just like sci fi and aliens and find new takes on them interesting like in Nope. but in my comment i also say "but i can tell the monster isnt the point of the story so i still enjoyed it".


edit: confused why i have 14 down votes after clearly saying i understand the origin is not the point of the story


shzza t1_j9vc18g wrote

so you want nope: prometheus?


rockincharlierocket t1_j9vdt69 wrote

honestly tell me where i say i want that because i am genuinely curious


shzza t1_j9viwhs wrote

you said you wished they expanded on the origin. it was just a joke mash up, not anything serious.