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GMW-5610 t1_j9u1ns6 wrote

Sony could have rivaled Apple if they played their cards well.

Imagine a Sony One service with Films and Music and Playstation games. Maybe make that an exclusive to Sony Xperias and Sony Tvs. Boom đŸ’¥


mikeyfreshh t1_j9u2y7h wrote

If they got into it 5-6 years ago you might be right. I think it's too late now. Nobody wants another streaming service at this point.


thune123 t1_j9v5nei wrote

Is Apple TV even that profitable? I never hear people talk about it and I doubt it's a driving force in people staying or moving over to apple. It just seems to be there. Obviously Itunes has its place but that's because its existed before streaming services were a thing but it never took off on other hardware companies. Spotify has taken the crown in that department. I'm sure it's a more popular app on the iPhone compared to iTunes.

Seeing all the financial info on streaming services it seems like Sony made the right move.

I don't like anyone is clamoring it rival Apple in the streaming department.


fosse76 t1_j9v6abr wrote

Apple has so much money, that I doubt any Apple TV losses even register. (I'm being facetious, sort of).


Midtownpatagonia t1_j9vhn7e wrote

I think apple is okay playing the long game with this like what they did with apple music.

There are some great content on apple tv but it will take them quite a long time to catch up to actual media companies’ book of content


garciaaw t1_j9vgia3 wrote

If you’re referencing the device itself, experience-wise, it’s a more refined product than Fire Stick or Roku. Profit-wise, unsure. It’s more expensive, so that’s a con, but there is a large Apple base that loves the walled garden it provides.