Submitted by EagleShad0w t3_11bxmdb in movies

hi fams !

Currently going through my shitty life and going to lose my hearing "i m deaf and my hearing aids won t work it out" in a few months, and my inseparable ldr we decided to take our distance until we meet for the good of us, Awesome. Anyways, i m okay i guess now I’m feeling a pit in my stomach and the sadness/emptiness/depressing has begun and i want to keep my mind focused and probably....

Movies/series are really my only escape, and i like to watch some scifi/apocalypse and stuffs...

Would love some help from this sub, please

thank you in advance <3



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monkelus t1_ja0fqu6 wrote

It's totally not what you've asked for, but what you need is Hunt For The Wildepeople


FloridaFlamingoGirl t1_ja0sqxv wrote

And then The Way, Way Back, and then Peanut Butter Falcon, and then Moonrise Kingdom.


tgood123 t1_ja1nt4j wrote

Yes! This movie is absolutely fantastic


ohdeardelgado t1_ja0g9x2 wrote

The series “ Dark” on Netflix …also not what you asked for …but go watch “ Best of show”


Callofzeta t1_ja0gaux wrote

Clannad and clannad after story


Schnitzel129 t1_ja0h5jn wrote

For sci-fi, I recommend Dune, Blade Runner & Blade Runner 2049, Arrival, Interstellar, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Abyss and Edge of Tomorrow. These are all really acclaimed and well known, but I'll recommend them in case you haven't seen some of them.

As for a personal favorite that isn't sci-fi, but never fails to make me smile, I recommend Midnight Run. An incredible action/comedy/Feel-Good movie that has a lot of heart.


siiilenttbob t1_ja0jxvu wrote

I'm feeling grumpy, tense and frustrated today so I've got one of my comfort shows on right now - Bob's Burgers. Lately I've also been enjoying I Love Lucy. Grown up watching it, so I've seen most of the episodes ten times over. A total classic but also just like a worn in comfy blanket.


IcyConsideration1624 t1_ja0kqv6 wrote

Galaxy quest makes everyone happy. When I was in a bad place, I kept a running list of shows to lighten the mood. The unbreakable kimmy Schmidt, psych and the good place had top spots.


minishaq5 t1_ja0ulf8 wrote

i have severe (clinical) depression and every year when it starts getting realbad i rewatch Scrubs. it’s light and easy so i can turn my brain off i need. it’s funny so yay dopamine and laughter! it also has some heartbreaking and emotional episodes where i can just cry and wallow in sadness. most episodes have relevant “life lessons” that are good reminders when everything in life feels like shit. also the music is great. however i’m feeling that day (or hour), Scrubs has something that fits just right.


EsotericRexx t1_ja0l7kq wrote



The Leftovers


cbbuntz t1_ja133ja wrote

The Expanse is fun, but it's pretty involved. It takes some commitment to follow the plot and a lot of people don't make it past the first few episodes. Other people go all-in.


qaz3d25 t1_ja14530 wrote

If you can't tell from my profile (if you look), I love Avatar, so therefore, Avatar original and TWOW