Submitted by mayukhdas1999 t3_11eafrc in movies
I_like_green t1_jacykcl wrote
Upvote for Wild Tales. That movie absolutely rips and more people should see it.
kgunnar t1_jad27yc wrote
I think he’s the best Star Wars villain yet, though Dedra Meero is growing on me.
CTFX84 t1_jad33az wrote
Ben Mendelsohn has become somewhat of a chameleon. He's also a fine wine that becomes better with age. What a great actor!
92tilinfinityand t1_jad3alq wrote
Jovan Adepo is one of the next greats. Excited to see him in this.
JoeMagnifico t1_jad4d43 wrote
Oh yeah, I forgot about him in SW. Good call.
Dirtyswashbuckler69 t1_jad4usi wrote
Jovan Adepo is always one the highlights of every film I’ve seen him in (‘Overlord’, ‘Fences’, & ‘Babylon’). I’ll watch anything he shows up in.
Metal64Game t1_jad8k8g wrote
Ben Mandhelson in a dark detective thriller? Sold.
TheGamerPandA t1_jad8nbg wrote
Mendelsohn is the best love him in pretty much everything one of the coolest Star Wars villains although he didn’t get much screen time to shine in rogue and his role in killing them softly as the druggie is prob one of the best drug related scenes I’ve ever seen
happybarfday t1_jad927d wrote
You should check out Mississippi Grind if you haven't already.
JoeMagnifico t1_jada2zs wrote
I'm surprised I haven't seen that one. Will do! Thx.
Shatners____Bassoon t1_jada43v wrote
The film's title is Misanthrope now? or was before...
Wild Tales was so good so this seems promising
MurielHorseflesh t1_jadacgk wrote
“To Catch a Killer” has been used a couple times now.
There’s been a made for tv movie starring Brian ‘I lied about being in Vietnam’ Dennehy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy that was made in the 90’s and a tv show with the same name in 2018.
Is this movie about John Wayne Gacy or just lifting the title? This sounds like a Silence of the Lambs redo if it isn’t.
IndieCurtis t1_jadcffm wrote
Sweeeet, can’t get enough of Ben Mendelsohn, he elevates everything he’s in.
IndieCurtis t1_jadci73 wrote
He was so crusty and creepy in Place Beyond The Pines, it was great.
MerkelousRex t1_jaddhga wrote
Holy shit they have beaten the dead horse with this trope of the troubles talented cop lol. For fucks sake how many cigarettes and scotch on the rocks is the man gonna drink in the film.
ResoluteClover t1_jaddknw wrote
Especially in captain marvel.
prosandconners t1_jaddv3q wrote
Also great in The Leftovers
ElMatasiete7 t1_jadepv8 wrote
Jean_Lucs_Front_Yard t1_jadesir wrote
Shailene Woodley. Whatever happened to her? She was going to be the next big thing.
Ditcka t1_jadgtl8 wrote
It’s simple: I see Ben Mendelsohn in a show/movie, and I watch it
Bippy73 t1_jadhg80 wrote
Watch Bloodline. Netflix. One hell of a cast, and this guy manages to steal every scene he’s in. Season one.
theodo t1_jadhicm wrote
His episode of Watchmen was fantastic.
johnjames_34 t1_jadj2h0 wrote
There is a movie with the same titel about John Gacy. Is this movie about this story?
ILoveTheAIDS t1_jadjt8w wrote
this was shot quite a while ago
cdnsalix t1_jadk8jd wrote
I am totally underwhelmed by her every time. Is it just me?
ForgetfulFrolicker t1_jadkfif wrote
Except for when he randomly went from being some badass to being a pushover, all in the span of a few minutes iirc.
davood1980 t1_jadl4ls wrote
I like Shailene Woodley s spectacular film Spectacular now
Canmore-Skate t1_jadlc24 wrote
Killing them softly was his most Ben Mendelsohn role ever I think, he reached the bottom there I :)
HEHEHO2022 t1_jadm4lr wrote
amazing idea when this happens though is simply not to watch the film
SNjr t1_jadorcf wrote
I definitely recommend The Outsider
queezuswalks t1_jadoy5w wrote
I love that movie so much
l5555l t1_jadqav9 wrote
Ben Mendelsohn playing a guy with his shit together? Can't be real
*Nvm he's a troubled police officer. Definitely does drugs or has a drinking problem.
ScientificEndeavor t1_jadqdgk wrote
She turned out to be a massively pretentious weirdo. Here's just some of the shit she's said.
> “I just want to drift. I’m just going to be a drifter… Maybe I’ll work in a tea shop. Or live in Amsterdam. Or be a nanny. Life experience only helps us as actors. I need new experiences to draw upon.”
> “My religion is the Earth, man. I believe in trees.”
> “I exclusively buy used clothes. I’m going to be a citizen of this planet, and I’m going to do my responsibility and live in stride with nature instead of constantly fighting against her.”
> “I think everything about my lifestyle is fairly alternative. I gather my own spring water from mountains every month. I go to a farm to get my food. I make everything from my own toothpaste to my own body lotions and face oils. I could go on for hours.”
> “I make my own medicines; I don’t get those from doctors. I make my own cheese and forage wild foods and identify wild plants. It’s an entire lifestyle. It’s appealing to my soul.”
> “I was 14, and my grandma is a naturopath, and she took my blood—she does live blood and cell analysis. She was like, ‘You should probably eat more vegetables, and microwaves are not great for you.’ And so I started doing research, and I haven’t used a microwave since.”
> “Another thing I like to do is give my vagina a little vitamin D. I was reading an article written by an herbalist I studied about yeast infections and other genital issues. She said there’s nothing better than vitamin D. If you’re feeling depleted, go in the sun for an hour and see how much energy you get. Or, if you live in a place that has heavy winters, when the sun finally comes out, spread your legs and get some sunshine.”
Oh and the best one.
> “I’ve always sort of wondered what it’d be like kissing my brother.”
I can only imagine her being an utter fucking nightmare to work with.
smokeydesperado t1_jadtkr9 wrote
I absolutely love Ready Player One, and in the same vain Alita, they’re just fun movies. I can’t wait for both sequels
Dickpuncher_Dan t1_jadvzhb wrote
Who is who? Is Mendehlson the chief investigator?
DWGrithiff t1_jadyrli wrote
This plot sounds so blah, but Wild Tales was such a singularly fun, unconventional movie, so I have hope. Maybe Szifron can inject some life and novelty into this formula?
fucking_blizzard t1_jadz8r3 wrote
The Aaron Rodgers relationship makes so much more sense after reading this hahaha
ElPapaDiablo t1_jadzgyw wrote
Is it a remake of the 1992 Brian Dennehy, John Wayne Gacy movie to catch a killer?
night_dude t1_jadzki3 wrote
Oh shit, he was Hooded Justice???
phudgeoff t1_jae2wv2 wrote
Really liked Mendelsohn in The Outsider. Didn't love the ending of the series, personally, but he was outstanding. Looking forward to him in another similar role.
WornInShoes t1_jae3dp5 wrote
He was so fucking good in The Outsider
[deleted] t1_jae3jn9 wrote
adaminc t1_jae3l9d wrote
I know for a bit she went full environmental activist, I believe she even went to jail for it. In relation to the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Barkblood t1_jae73tk wrote
Ben Mendelsohn is just brilliant. Seeing him in Animal Kingdom (film) as the crazy uncle was chilling.
He can turn a completely benign comment into something truly sinister. Google “Ben Mendelsohn Lion King” and watch him turn lyrics from “I just can’t wait to be king” into a creepy, threatening monologue.
Truly an Australian national treasure.
AceLarkin t1_jae77jp wrote
More movies with Ricardo Darin should be seen in general. He always kills it.
Drewcifer81 t1_jae9dij wrote
Such a crazy little anthology. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
rebole89 t1_jaeas2i wrote
I was cast as an extra for this movie. It was my first ever experience and it didn't go well haha. I bumped into the boom guy at one point... Anyway, hope the movie's good.
shf500 t1_jaedoxa wrote
I've only seen Wild Tales. If the director made other good movies I am now interested in them.
thedeuce75 t1_jaega5m wrote
I wonder if it was "inspired by" Johnnie To's Mad Detective?
griffmeister t1_jaehn46 wrote
Gotta check out The Place Beyond The Pines if you haven’t yet, he’s amazing in that
Silent1900 t1_jaej130 wrote
It started out so darn strong, but then…
Mendelsohn was rock solid throughout though.
earache_my_eye t1_jaejvtd wrote
Haven't been talkin to the cops have you mate?
__2049__ t1_jaek3qx wrote
Ben was great as Tarkin in Star Trek.
4fksirtfndbwoq384 t1_jaeoyh5 wrote
“Sir, we’ve found a trail out back behind the building but all our dogs died of fentanyl poisoning, what should we do?”
“No worries, Sargent. We’ve got a secret weapon.”
Shailene Woodley Is Detective Cautious Clay. She can track anything if they’ve stepped on dirt or clay which she can eat.
KingSweden24 t1_jaeqctu wrote
I remain a committed and shameless partisan of The Secret in their Eyes, his performance in it specifically
Xralius t1_jaera80 wrote
I loved that series. Ended a bit fast though, and I really thought they'd make the villain more imposing.
StarScreamer t1_jaerqqs wrote
Killing Them Softly, he's just so, ewwwww.
taleo t1_jaet2tu wrote
The FBI's "Chief Investigator"?
blaaguuu t1_jaetrnb wrote
Absolutely. Killing Them Softly is when I really took notice of him, and at this point I will watch just about anything just because he's in it.
JonBonIver t1_jaeu61o wrote
I love that this started fairly harmless and progressively got weirder and fucking weirder
Jackielegs93 t1_jaevg6b wrote
FranticPonE t1_jaevpkc wrote
Ben Mendelsohn starting to get Alan Rickman vibes.
Actually if they're totally going to reboot HP anyway Mendelson wouldn't be a bad casting for Snape.
FranticPonE t1_jaew6ao wrote
Errr, that was his character though? His character was never a "badass", he was always a whiny, narcissistic, brown nosing psychopath that wanted to appear to be "badass" while always just being kind of pathetic.
Fantastic job on that though, giving his villain a ton of depth while still making him a fun villain to hate, while all the two main leads just look a bit lost.
Cannaewulnaewidnae t1_jaeyqwx wrote
Came here to ask this question
The original Misanthrope title suggests it's unrelated to the Dennehy joint
TriscuitCracker t1_jaf1l8m wrote
1st two seasons of Bloodline are wonderful. He’s mesmerizing.
[deleted] t1_jaf4yrs wrote
JoeMagnifico t1_jacy0rc wrote
Ben has grown on me over the years. Thought he was great in The Outsider (and Ready Player One).