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pbspry t1_jee9iml wrote

A bunch of murders in 1920s Oklahoma among the Osage (Native American tribe). Becomes one of the very first big cases to be tackled by the brand new FBI under J. Edgar Hoover.


PmMeYourNiceBehind t1_jeekmsr wrote

Is Leo playing Hoover again??


TinyRandomLady t1_jeeqi18 wrote

He is playing Ernest Burkhart.


TheBoyWonder13 t1_jefgont wrote

Interesting he was originally supposed to play Tom White but wanted to play Ernest instead, since White is definitely more of a central character in the book. I'd have to assume they'll be expanding Ernest's character a lot from what's in the book.


TinyRandomLady t1_jefjdfc wrote

Well, remember it’s a true story and he is in the family at the center of this particular murder scheme. So they will probably show more of him and Mollie’s life then what was mentioned in the book.


TheBoyWonder13 t1_jefk897 wrote

Yeah that’s what I mean, they’ll have to go beyond what’s in the source material. I’ve only read the book and haven’t done any research beyond that, so I don’t know if there’s that much real life story to tell with Ernest, but it’s possible they invent more stuff for dramatic license.


TinyRandomLady t1_jefsvtv wrote

I mean I think there is plenty to show and tell of their lives. I bet they refocus the film to center the Burkhart family and show their life and wealth and how they deal with the loses of their family members close and distant along with their relationship with Hale and his role in the community. Then will have White and the investigation and all the craziness that happened there but show him struggling with a community that is lying and benefiting from these deaths.

Did you ever watch the short documentarymade about this? It aired in PBS.


NerdBro1 t1_jefkaen wrote

Yeah I was surprised when I read the book because Ernest isn’t your typical Leo character at all.


ryanredd t1_jefmrzf wrote

White is central but doesn't have much depth as far as character, he's pretty much just a good cop. I can see why Leo would be attracted to the husband's role, especially if its expanded.


seven1six t1_jegudq6 wrote

damn didn't know he was playing Ernest. I thought for sure he'd be white. now looking at the scene photo I see Ernest


LordPoopyfist t1_jeg2xvl wrote

He’s actually playing the Native American chief. Scorsese tried to stop him, but he’s insisting he needs to wear redface and full tribal garb.


SJdport57 t1_jefgfq9 wrote

Interesting fact: the Drummond Family (as in Ree Drummond “the Pioneer Woman”) acquired much of their tremendous wealth in the aftermath of this killing spree.