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AlanMorlock t1_jeelsvn wrote

Fall awards season. Similarly, Once Upon a time in Hollywood played Cannes, released in September. Parasite released in the US in the fall as well.


KiritoJones t1_jeergcu wrote

Interesting choice, since the movie that just dominated the awards season didn't have a fall release and there was a lot of talk about how that may have actually helped it in the long run.


AlanMorlock t1_jeeryyp wrote

Very deeply not the same kind of movie.


KiritoJones t1_jef2dxx wrote

Very true, I was just curious to see if the meta was going to change at all since streamers are a large part of the game now and apple is helping to distribute this


dolphin37 t1_jegy5d1 wrote

Is a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. If you’re making a big movie you target those months and those months are most likely to win!

My cynical view is that a movie like this is similar to The Revenant. A good movie with good performances but one that does not last long in the mind and needs to be released close to the awards season to be remembered. Everything Everywhere sunk right in to everyone’s brains and didn’t leave!


nayapapaya t1_jeew7rg wrote

So much of what happened with EEAAO was an anomaly though. It's hard to say how much of a change its campaign and win will bring to awards season just yet. It would certainly be nice if it became more typical for awards contending films to be released throughout the year but so many of them use the fall festivals to build up buzz that it's hard to see that changing so soon.


KiritoJones t1_jef2t0b wrote

Completely true, I was just curious to see if the meta would change at all, especially since Apple is helping distribute this move (I'm pretty sure?).

I think the only way for EEAAO's full year strategy to work is if the movie is extremely rewatchable, and idk how rewatchable a 3 hour movie with this subject matter will be.


Metricop78 t1_jefsh4f wrote

Once Upon a Time In Hollywood was released in July not September.