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TimeTravelMishap t1_jecpqz8 wrote

I try to separate the art from the artist but I just can't do Tom Cruise.


SeagullsStopItNowz t1_jecr9aj wrote

But why? He has a crazy religion but everything else is fine. Plus, are his religious views any weirder/ dumber than other religions?


TimeTravelMishap t1_jecs3bn wrote

He is the public face of a religion that kills the pets of rape victims to try to get them to drop charges against other scientologists. He is the public face of a religion that right now right this second is operating an illegal prison here in the United States. These are just two things off the top of my head there are many other Crimes by the Church of Scientology.

He may not be directly involved in these things but by remaining the public face of Scientology he is declaring to the world he finds these things morally acceptable. That is who Tom Cruise is. A man who thinks it's perfectly okay to murder the pet of a rape victim.


Juan-Claudio t1_jed19pg wrote

No, just no. Look, i don't mean to defend scientology (or any religion or cult) but you can't use arguments like this. Because some scientologist murdered a pet doesn't mean every scientologist approves of this. Same as when some Christian priest abuses a child it doesn't mean that every Christian approves of this.

It is of course your free choice to watch Tom Cruise movies or not.


TimeTravelMishap t1_jed2tmo wrote

That would be fine and dandy if he was some random member of Scientology but he's literally the public face of the cult. And by remaining the public face of Scientology he approves of these things it's as simple as that. Tom Cruise is a human being who 100% thinks it's morally acceptable to kill the pet of a rape victim to get her to shut up.

That's for the rest of what you said honestly? I agree and I do condemn them. But that's a whole other bag of worms. I personally was actually molested by a priest myself. From ages 7 to 9. And I personally find every single fucking Catholic on this planet to be a disgusting human being who approves of me being molested. Every last one of them.


SeagullsStopItNowz t1_jefc32z wrote

You are so narrow-minded, my dude. Sure, that’s all Tom Cruise is. Ugh.


TimeTravelMishap t1_jeff00u wrote

I didn't say thats all he is. But its part of him. But he hung off the side of the plane so that makes up for his acceptance of rape right?


ShortViewBack2daPast t1_jecs9i7 wrote

At least most religions at a large scare are just normal corrupt, but Scientology is brainwash, cult levels of corrupt


SeagullsStopItNowz t1_jefbtf3 wrote

(I hate that you’re making me defend Scientology) Sigh, how many altar boys have been raped by Scientology priests? How many Scientologist extremists have crashed planes into buildings or blown up airports?


ShortViewBack2daPast t1_jegwucc wrote

All folks who would be condemned by the larger community of their religion on a worldwide scale

The problem with Scientology is the evil is baked in, not a side branch or a couple bad eggs, it's rotten to the core