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schmag t1_je6rkph wrote

I thought it was good, but there were things just didn't jive with me.

but I felt the detective had to do several things that to me seems out of character for the story to continue, mostly that the detective would pursue this individual alone, especially after what he in the camp the first time...

even "back in the day" in the US the detective would not have been alone. I believe there were a few other instances like that...


BeginningAppeal8599 t1_jea5c06 wrote

That happens a lot even in Hollywood films and non English language shows. They can't create tension with a SWAT team or a pack of police officers so they always choose to have one character flying solo and being too brave.

It's plausible for some of these small towns that it could happen but it's a trope that will never change in horrors and thrillers


schmag t1_jeac2pb wrote

I agree, I didn't find it necessarily a deal breaker, and I liked the story.

but those couple of parts... I remember thinking to myself "yeah, OK, sure, he is going to just go back there alone"

but I thought similar as you, maybe that's how a small Korean village operates. and really most all horror requires you to "suspend some disbelief".