Submitted by t3_121brvx in movies

Alright reddit let me lay this out for you real quick. me and my fiancé decided to see Knock at the Cabin because we love thrillers and the premise sounded good. WORST DECISION if you can't tell i'm extremely pissed about it. When I go into watching a thriller I don't think i'm going to be spun the narrative that the jehovah's witness were right all along and doomsday is here!!! oh ya guess what that cute gay couple we showed u with the adorable daughter they have to decide which one gets to die to save all of humanity!!!! LIKE WTF i'm a lesbian and very much atheist and the whole movie brainwashed and indoctrinated the audience with its hogwash lunatic religious fantasies. If you think i'm wrong fight me in the comments.



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t1_jdlbu3z wrote

> the whole movie brainwashed and indoctrinated the audience with its hogwash lunatic religious fantasies.

This is a silly statement.

First of all it's clearly fiction.

And second, a gay person literally saves all of mankind from doom.

The family was selected by "god" or whatever because of their love for one another. The sacrifice they had to make was absolutely brutal, but it was done out of love for their daughter to have a future.

I really doubt anyone who watched this movie thought "Oh wow! God demands such a cruel sacrifice to not literally kill everyone, what a cool and awesome god =)"


OP t1_jdlnt8o wrote

have u ever asked why he needs to sacrifice anyone at all? this is not fiction this was all religious symbolism the four horsemen the bible scriptures real people believe this and it poisons everything.


t1_jdlvajf wrote

That’s still fiction, it’s a story. I really doubt anyone who watches this movie thinks that one day a group of four people who represent the four horsemen of the apocalypse will appear and ask them to sacrifice a family member for the survival of the world. You’re being weirdly paranoid that this movie will somehow make ppl religious. Kinda funny, I imagine this is what the Soviet government used to sound like.


t1_jdlys3d wrote

Because it’s a story with an impossible choice. It’s a interesting premise is all.


t1_jdlem4h wrote

It's just a movie, it's not real. Why are you getting your panties in a bunch?

If you have legitimate criticisms about the film, you should try to express them a little bit better than "wtf there's religion in this movie!"

Unless you're a troll, in that case Bravo!


t1_jdla1ec wrote

It’s a movie. Why does it have to live by your standards. I’m guessing you are young by how entitled you sound. If your over 25 then yikes.


OP t1_jdla9q2 wrote

It doesn't have to live by my standards and I never said that. I thought I was going to watch a good thriller on my off night not a religious agenda. If it would have said christian thriller I would never have even wasted the money.


t1_jdlbbm3 wrote

You gotta not get triggered just because god seems to exist inside the universe of this fake movie. It’s not that big of a deal


t1_jdlyof8 wrote

I’ve been an atheist all my life and didn’t get your same reaction. It’s a simple thriller is all. I guess you can see anything if you look hard enough but that obviously wasn’t the intention by the cast and filmmaker. It’s really about would you sacrifice to save the world.


t1_jdl9j5e wrote

I thought it was very milquetoast. They changed some things from the book and made it less interesting


t1_jdl9qok wrote

I'm already utterly disappointed and gimmicked: I just watched Cocaine Bear.


t1_jdl9w5o wrote

The book had guts. The movie was so mild.


t1_jdlb2ms wrote

I liked a lot of it. My big problems were how distractingly bad/cheap the newscasts were, and the fact the concussed husband had barely any personality. The other guy had to pretty much carry the whole movie - and which I have to say, he did no problem - but it diminishes the impact of the ending a lot.


t1_jdlvfog wrote

The only other thing I’d add to that was how often they were whispering. I think they laid it on a bit thick in some places as far as how dramatic they made some scenes. Also the insane amount of loud breathing.


t1_jdlwzbc wrote

It’s a metaphor for climate change, so the ending of the book would make little sense in this context, where the catastrophe is real. The point of the film is whether a parent is willing to sacrifice their own life to make the world a livable place for their children. Most parents would.

The bad faith arguments around this film are really weird.

I don’t remember the film even mentioning the catastrophe being caused by God. I saw the film as more of a universal reckoning in line with cosmic horror. Nature needing a sacrifice made on the basis of love as an act of protest against the otherwise senseless cruelty of humankind. I thought it was good.


t1_je1qlw0 wrote

Nah. You just can't handle something that doesn't conform to your atheistic worldview.


t1_jdl9hbx wrote

It was an odd choice for the ending yeah, the book ends very differently and you might enjoy that much more. Look it up if you're eager to be more disappointed by the movie.


t1_jdl9naa wrote

The ending wasn't what I wanted it to be (I prefer the book's ending), but the actors more than made up for it imo. That scene with Rupert Grint telling them not to look away is something I'll be thinking about for a long long time.


t1_jdld800 wrote

You are going to get really mad when you find out what the book ending was.

Shyamalan completely messed up the story because he chickened out.


t1_jdm5oc9 wrote

The setup is meant to make you fear your political oppositions. How many youthful gay couples adopted Asian daughters? How many news events are attributed to right wing manifestation, like some mythical rainmaking?


t1_jdmukly wrote

My problem with the film was the second trailer showed the entire movie and proved (spoiler) that it was all really happening. So there was no suspense or surprises at all


t1_jdnhb1n wrote

I didn't like it because it was unfair...they had to make a impossible decision.

But why exactly? Why does one family have to make a sacrifize? To satisfy "god"? But why, what was the motive ?

Btw I think it wouldn't have been much different if it was a SF movie where aliens demanded a sacrifize instead, it would need a motive.

The evidence was also pretty flimsy... footage could have been faked and maybe they did know about a storm coming.

I know movies don't always need to make sense and provide reasons why bad things happen, but personally I didn't like it.


t1_jdl9cl8 wrote

Agreed. I went in prepared for a moral dilemma. The Saw francise actually delivered a far greater level of moral dilemma. I would have far preferred an ending where they chose to save their family instead of the world. The ending just felt hollow and empty.