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t1_jdpujvw wrote

10 could be last action hero. It was ahead of its time. Charles dance was entertaining af. Arnold was great. What more could you want?


t1_jdpvg7p wrote

you are arguably correct. remember, I am merging ideas here too. but for the size and complexity of the shoot it AT LEAST deserved my mention. if not for other opinions, it might have gone that way.


OP t1_jdqj0as wrote

No Red Heat or Kindergarten Cop? Unforgivable.


t1_jdptmfg wrote



t1_jdpustq wrote

hey thanks... I had a ton of fun pondering this silliness and taking it oh so seriously! Arnie movies have made my life a lot of fun over the past 40 years.


t1_jdpve3u wrote

Yeah your thread had me bringing up Total Recall to a friend earlier and we got hyped talking about what an unmatched icon the Arnster is. Total phenomenon.


t1_jdpvm9l wrote

Fuck yeah. I hope you and pals get down on at least something from my top 8 and at least something not mentioned!


t1_jdpwmrl wrote

He buys up 4k releases and we just watched Predator last week. Pretty fantastic. And out of the ones not listed, my dark horse is definitely End of Days lol. Not the best movie. Or the best Arnold, but I got a big soft spot for it.


t1_jdpyg7v wrote

EOD is cheesy, and had every attempt at juicy satan lore. and the fact that it kind if misfired makes the genuine attempt all the better!


t1_jdq13ds wrote

Conan the Destroyer, lolwut?


t1_jdq1kd3 wrote

I stand by the top 8 as I said in my comment. this is a preference list and takes several factors into consideration. I think Conan is one of the main deals Arnie did. The set design, props, music and shooting were amazing. It does not gel at well as the original... but I absolutely stand by it being better than bad cop to a comedian or a pregnant brute man gimmick. there are some real lameos later in the catalogue as well.


t1_jdq2mks wrote

Conan the Destroyer is a hot mess with unlikable characters stinking up Conan's adventure.


t1_jdq2up5 wrote

my cousin too hates Meric as a bad knockoff of the former sidekick. The title may be the most debatable one on the list. If I replaced it... it would be between red heat or last action hero most likely.


t1_jdq8unm wrote

If ever a Reddit post deserves a buzzfeed article it’s THIS one! Good show ol’ chap! I love that you took on this burden for us. You are our hero💪


t1_jdq93p6 wrote

thank you very much! I will never associate myself with Buzzfeed in any way... but I graciously accept your kind comment! honestly I feel kind of cheesy doing back to back arnie topics but it seemed appropriate and on my mind. I've even had a little blowback on one of my list choices, but opinions run high with stuff people have passion on so it's ok.


t1_jdqxm66 wrote

Hahahaa! Ok, I totes understand your need to distance yourself from buzzed (they’re not what they used to be!) and I’m glad you understood that I simply meant “popular pop culture media outlet”

Hey, blowback comes with the territory. You’ve got some fans that will support you, and that’s cool, too🫡


t1_jdq9p2m wrote

I think this ranking is right, but sometimes I just want to watch Commando.


t1_jdqaj76 wrote

Commando is a wild movie. Completely over the top, but with heart. Killing 850 grown men to save a little girl? we can all have fun with this one! plus badass one liners galore.


t1_jdqftac wrote

Jingle All the Way and Kindergarten Cop are better than Conan the Destroyer, come on.


t1_jdqgurp wrote

I disagree with that, and factor in the opinions of others as well. but 100% the two movies you list had several mentions and a real fanbase. maybe we part ways on taste here... but all 3 movies in question are competently put together. Destroyer was my most controversial take, and based on upvotes and downvotes and when they happened... that call doomed this post. And I am ok with that. personally I cannot rank as you do with these 3 movies. If I replaced it, based on opinion and reactions, it might be Last action hero. even red heat.


t1_jdqipp4 wrote

I appreciate the reply. Well thought out. Of course opinions differ, one of the joys of life. I enjoy the range of Arny from serious action hero to goofy comedy movie so have to acknowledge my favourites.
Last Action Hero and Red Heat are also great movies. I think in general Arny has a very enjoyable catalogue of movies and it is hard to pick only 10.


t1_jdqxnsk wrote

I would only change CTD to End of Days, but other than that i'd say it a good chart. And maybe an honourable mentions list. Red Heat and Junior should be somewhere.


t1_jdpss5n wrote

I stand by the top 8. that just feels like the core of the entire portfolio.


t1_jdt9irj wrote

Terminator: Dark Fate, his best performance in a wild action packed movie


t1_jdtiouz wrote

Putting Predator above both Terminators feels like heresy, but I'll let it slide