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hasanahmad OP t1_jczjmr0 wrote

thats true if mainstream movie goers apply your nuance to decision making. They don't. Their barometer is the score only


HOBTT27 t1_jczliro wrote

People want to quickly know if something is worth their time & money. RT allows them to quickly get a sense of what the professionals think: “84% of the critics said this was worth my time & money? Cool, that’s a solid number; I’ll consider checking it out this weekend.”

It’s that simple.

I get it: you’re likely upset that the snobby critics thumbed their nose at some movie you really liked. It sucks when people hate on something that’s special to you; I get that. But it only sucks for like one second; then you can close out of the tab & never think about it again.

In time, you’re going to realize that it doesn’t matter what a cartoon tomato bar on the internet says about a piece of art you like. What resonates with you is all that matters.